Oh my, I have been so busy getting prepared for our mission to start next week. We will be going to the Mission Training Center in Provo, Utah on Monday, October 26th. We are very excited to start this mission adventure.. This is a real faith journey for us.
Before going we have had several things that we needed to do. Because we will be living in our own home; we have had only three weeks to prepare instead of three to five months. We have been making a full time effort to complete the projects assigned for the MTC. Here are just a few things we have been working on.
We had the sweet opportunity to watch episodes of the District on BYU TV. These are episodes of real missionaries teaching real investigators. There were six episodes that we are required to watch. This took us about 3 hours total. We cried through most of them because they were just so inspirational. You can find The District Episodes here.
Next we were asked to create a Mormon.org profile page. Here we shared a short biography and our testimonies and experiences in the gospel. This profile is a way that we can share the gospel with those who are not of our faith. We each created our own profile and it took a while.
We have then been working on learning the concepts in the Preach My Gospel: A guide To Missionary Service . We have been working on this from the beginning of our pre-field training. I love this manual so much. It really explains in detail what we believe as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We will be using this book as a reference for the things that we will talk about when we meet with members of the church and or investigators.
There is a Missionary Handbook that we are required to read. It has some wonderful suggestions on many aspects of mission life. Much of it is directed to the Elders and Sister missionaries that are serving throughout the world. Young men serve two year missions and can apply when they are 18 years old. Young Women serve for 18 months and they can apply at age 19. We will be serving with these young people. We will be part of the district that they are serving in. We look forward to the opportunity to serve with these missionaries. It is amazing how much they learn and grow while serving a mission. It prepares them well for getting an education, future marriages and families.
There is also some reading material on how to adjust to missionary life. Missionaries do have a daily schedule in which they can have time to exercise, study, and go forth and do the work.
We are also suppose to learn how to do the basics of Family History and run off copies of our 4 or more generations of ancestors. I love doing family history so this was a fun part and I do know how to do some of it.. We are taught how to do this so that when we are doing missionary endeavors we can help families and single individuals learn how to do basic Family History so they can find their ancestors.
Finally, it is suggested that we read The Book of Mormon before we enter the MTC.
I have read the Book of Mormon many times but I am now reading it from front to back again. I love this book and it is a favorite of mine. I made a commitment many years ago to read the scriptures on a daily basis and particularly our precious Book of Mormon. It is a wonderful history of an ancient people who lived in the America's. It tells the story of a group of two families that left Jerusalem in 600 BC and traveled to the America's. It is another Testament of Jesus Christ. It tells of His visit here after his Atonement, Crucifixion and Resurrection. This book has 531 pages that tell a heartrending story of the ancestors of the Native Americans. It is an amazing book and has guided me in many areas of my life through the years. It answers all the questions of Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going?
I think you can tell that we have been very busy in our preparations. At this point of time I will probably not be blogging very much for a while. After the MTC we will be meeting with our Mission President and learning about what we will be doing. I will hope to be able to share some of our experiences on this blog.
I love all of you that read my blog and will hope to be able to still read your blog posts but probably not as often. Just know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I have truly loved reading your posts. You have uplifted my heart and helped me to want to be a better person. I have enjoyed your individual thoughts and pictures that have been so inspiring.
Love and hugs to you all!

LeAnn! I am so excited for you and Roger. Because we live so far away we were not required to do Missionary training at the MTC. I wish we had been able to do that. Nevertheless, we are so blessed for being able to serve. You and Roger are going to be amazing missionaries. I will look forward to hearing about all of your experiences. God bless you both! xoxo
praying for you, and your husband. I love you dear friend.
I am so excited for you! Just from reading your blog postings, I can see that you will definitely carry the spirit of the Lord along with you as you serve. I have been blessed by your blog and the inspiration it has given me. Go forth with Faith to tell the world....................
We are excited for you. Hope you post on your mission so we can enjoy it with you. Prayers, hugs and lots of love Christy
Hi LeAnn!
You and Roger will be awesome missionaries! I can see that you are prepared, and anxiously waiting to serve and train the missionaries in your area with love, and with a firm testimony. I know that this has been a lifelong dream and goal to serve a couples mission, and I'm so excited for you, although I will miss your blogs messages!
Have fun with the kids!
Hugs and Love,
Wow! That all happened so fast! I'm sure you will love the MTC and be the best missionaries ever.
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