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I am thinking...that I really should be studying the 30 hours of continuing education that I need to complete in order to keep my nurses license active. My license expires on the 31st. I am so not in the mood to study and I have rationalized that I still have more time.
I am thankful....that I could attend the temple this morning with four of my friends. It was a sweet day. We had lunch in the temple cafeteria after the session. It is always enjoyable to take a few moments with friends when you can discuss whatever comes to mind. Today we had a delightful discussion on families and how to maintain close family relationships.
From the learning rooms...I am learning about Helping the Older Adult Improve Their Health Care. This CE teaches that we all need to take responsibility for our own health care by keeping good records, going prepared with a list of concerns when seeing a physician. Also, if hospitalized one should keep a personal chart of tests, medication, and etc. If not well enough to do that; a person should have a friend or family member do it for them.
Communications are so important in health care; so basically the course is on how to communicate better with the different disciplines involved. I personally think everyone should know how to keep a better personal record of your medical history.
From the kitchen...I finished off today the last of the fudge my husband made a few days ago. I have been thinking seriously about going off chocolate for a while. It would be a great self discipline moment for me. I wonder how many days I could possible go. I believe in the following quote with all my heart: "Nothing heals the soul like chocolate. I just love chocolate. It's God's apology for broccoli."
I am wearing...brown pants, a brown, turquoise and white stripped shirt with a soft beige vest. I have tan socks and black house slippers.
I am creating...a new journal blog. This will be just a private blog. Right now I journal on a site called I think it will be more fun to do it as a blog. I love to journal about as much as I love blogging; so it makes sense to have another blog.
I am go visiting teaching in a few minutes to a sister that I am assigned to see once a month and check to see how she is doing and we also leave a message. I went earlier today with my visiting teacher partner to see another sister. It is such a wonderful program to help us all watch over each other. I also have two sisters that visit with me once a month. It's also an opportunity to cement friend relationships.
I am continuing to read... a Book called the "Silence of God." I am learning a lot about Russian history in the early 1900's. The book is getting more intense and I am having a harder time putting it down. I am frustrated because I just don't have time to spend on a novel right now.
I am complete the C.E. course this week and take the test on Monday or Tuesday of next week. I will be cutting it close.
I am hearing...a clock ticking in my study; and cars going by our home. It is unusual for me not to have the TV or radio going in the background. Now that I am a Empty Nestor; I still need some kind of noise or it feels strange.
Around the cute little dogs keep wanting to go outside; so they can come back in for a treat. I need to break them from this. They are both little con artists.
One of my favorite do is to play the piano and I haven't done that for a while. I am realizing as I am doing this post I find excuses for not working on the CE and then I don't even do any of the things that I normally love to do. I think there is something wrong with this picture somehow.
A few plans for the rest of the week.... Study two hours on Friday and Saturday. Work my usual shift at the temple Saturday morning. Go to a session at the temple with our brother and sister in law on Saturday afternoon. Try to find time for a nap and enjoy some of the weekend with my dearest husband.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing... Perhaps I am thinking green and spring!

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Hi LeAnn!
I sounds like you have the "blues"! I get the same way in the winter - so does Amber. Loved your quote about chocolate!! Can a girl ever get too much?
They divided our stake boundaries before Thanksgiving, and they just gave me a new Visiting Teaching partner. I need to get with her and get mine done! I was also called to be the 4th Sunday RS teacher - I'm a little scared, I have not taught women for years - only children.
Please play the piano, keep up that wonderful talent - you and our sweet Averi can play a duet someday! I posted about her yesterday - I used some of what you posted on your blog, I hope it was alright. You were so wonderful and kept a journal through her journey - I didn't... :0(
She is such a sweet little miracle, what would we do without her? Without any of them?
Have a wonderful week-end, thanks for sharing your picture - it's a beautiful little reminder that Spring will come!
Love and Hugs,
I just love going to the Temple Leanne. With Todd, with friends, with the youth . . . it's all good. I feel so at home and at peace there. We are going to take our Primary there for an Easter Activity and that will be a great day as well. Loved your daybook thoughts as always. xxoo
I always think it's fun to eat with friends in the cafeteria after going to the temple. It's true; you do have some of the best discussions then.
Hi LeAnn, I love going to the temple also. I love the feeling there and I always come away wanting to be a better person. I served 5 1/2 years in the Bountiful Temple and then was released to help care for my Mother. Good luck on your test. I'm sure you will do great. Couldn't help but read Barb's remarks and suddenly realized you are the other Grandmother she was talking about. I don't know if I mentioned that I follow her blog and think she is absolutely awesome! Have a good, productive weekend. Nola
I hope that today you are taking your exam, or even better that you took it yesterday. You can't miss that as you are undoubtedly a very good nurse. Thanks for the info about the air borne. Actually I should have remembered that because Sue takes it religiously whenever she feels a cold coming on.
We are kindred spirits when it comes to chocolate. I am a certified chocoholic and the only way I can keep control is to allow myself to eat chocolate only on Sundays. This works for my husband Dick, too. That way we can be good all week knowing that we have something really tasty to look forward to eating on Sunday. Crazy way to instill discipline, but it works for us!
Oh, I do so love the falling snow. One of my favorite things to do (which I should probably say on my SWD sometime) is to take our little dog, Maggie, out for her nightly walk while it's snowing. It's so amazing how quiet & calm a night-time snow fall w/big, fluffy snowflakes can be. I like to just stand there & listen...sometimes it's so quite you can actually hear the flakes his the ground. Lovely.
Thanks so much for your your sweet comments on my blog. Since I had to go back to work last March I've been terrible about commenting back, but I read it all & am blessed beyond measure.
Blessings from Ohio...Kim<><
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