I started the Living Water's Blog over 10 years ago and have been relatively consistent with doing weekly, bi-weekly, and sometimes monthly posts. However, in the last 3 months, my life became a whirlwind, and I have gotten behind on reading my favorite blogger posts and doing anything on my own site. So, perhaps to illustrate why I haven't been on, I will share what I have been up to. Here are my summer highlights!
The first night there, we met at a restaurant with three of our married six children and one Granddaughter. We had a delightful time. We have some characters in our family, so there was a lot of laughter.
The next evening we drove to Sugar City and had a barbeque n the backyard of my son, Travis, and daughter-in-law Amanda. All their children were there that night. Lots of fun conversations and hugs!
On Tuesday, June 1, 2021, we headed for Shelley, Idaho, to attend the graduation of our Granddaughter, Averi, which was held in the backyard of my son, and daughter-in-law, James and Amber. Averi is a special needs child; she is Blind and Autistic. Averi has been able to complete regular school with an aide assisting her. Averi plays the piano by ear, and she is a whiz with numbers. If you tell her your birthdate or another important date, she can tell you the day of the week it will fall on in the coming year.
Averi was born with a rare disease called Osteopetrosis. At nine months of age, she spent almost 5 months in the PICU at Primary Children's Hospital. We almost lost her more than once. Yet, she is a prayed-for miracle. You can read her story here.
We really had a good time at her graduation. Several people there had worked with her through the years. In addition, there were many friends and family there. Actually, there were tears of joy shed on this one.
On Wednesday, June 2, 2021, we headed back to Shelley, Idaho, to celebrate our daughter, Jenni-Marie's Birthday. They were getting ready to head back to Utah. They had been staying at James and Ambers.
In the afternoon, we headed back to Sugar City, Idaho, for the High School Graduation of our Granddaughter, Karli. We enjoyed being with Travis and our daughter-in-law, Amanda's family, along with her parents. The Graduation program was the shortest one we have ever been to. Afterward, we headed to their home for dinner. We then headed home. My dear husband has a sealing assignment in the Temple tomorrow. So, we enjoyed the few days with these precious children and grandchildren of ours.
Saturday, June 5, we joined Roger's siblings at a restaurant to celebrate his oldest brother, Laddy, and his wife, Mary Kay's 50th Wedding Anniversary. It was a belated anniversary celebration due to Covid. All of Roger's siblings and spouses were there. We have not been with them for a very long time. This was a joyous reunion.
On June 19, 2021, my dearest friend, Jane, was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. She has been learning about the Church and attending it for a long time. When Roger and I were serving our full-time mission in the Utah Salt Lake South Mission, we had been visiting her. She resides in our ward. After we were released from this assignment, I became her ministering sister. Our friendship has evolved over time, and we are perfect friends. I love Jane, and I am so happy she chose to join the Church. It was an immense tender mercy to have Jane accept the gospel. She is already a very Christ-like woman who loves people and is friendly and outgoing. Tears of joy on this one.
One of the sweet moments was when all her children came. None of them are members, and she was thrilled to have them there.
We celebrated Father's Day on June 22. Our Grandson, Michael, came for the weekend. It was fun.
We had our Grandchildren, Alyssa, Emma, and Ben, for an overnighter on Monday, June 23. . One night, we watched a movie and played some games with them. It was enjoyable. Grandpa can be very competitive.
Our daughter, Christina, and her husband, Brandon, and their children, April, Faith, and Levi, came to Utah for a visit on July 3. They stayed in Eden, Utah, with their Daughter and Son in law. Unfortunately, while in Eden, their married daughter, Sariah, became ill. Her husband, Alex, and she were moving to Odgen, Utah. Brandon and Christina and their children helped them move. Then on July 6, they came down to our home to stay for three days.
While here, they were busy making food for three of them on a special diet and nutrition items to take to a family reunion in Idaho on Brandon's side.
On Thursday, July 8, we invited our daughter, Jenni, and son-in-law, Michael, along with their children Alyssa, Emma, and Ben, to come for dinner and spend some time with Brandon and Christina's family. We had a great dinner, conversation and later, they played the game Charade. We laughed a lot and had a fantastic time. I love when my two daughters can be together.
Brandon, Christina, and Family left for Idaho on Friday, June 9. They had a great time up there for 4 days with Brandon's family. While gone, they learned that Sariah had Covid and her husband was sick too. So they traveled down to our home on Tuesday, July 13. Regretfully, they were all suffering; it was Covid striking the family. Christina and Faith had a moderate case of it. April and Levi had a mild chance of Covid. Brandon didn't start to feel too awful for the first couple of days, and then it hit him hard. They had planned to go home the next day but couldn't.
Roger and I worked at the Temple, and we couldn't go; we had to quarantine. They were here for 12 days. Roger and I wore masks and tried not to interrelate with them too much. However, we only have one kitchen, so food preparation had to be handled cautiously. I felt so bad for them all. Both Roger and I had been vaccinated, so we did feel good about that. Utah has had a lot of Covid cases, and at this time, the count was high.
Priesthood blessings and lots of prayers for this sweet family of ours. I do know that this made a difference. I have great faith in the power of the priesthood, prayers, and fasting.
They decided to travel home on July 23. Brandon was too sick to drive, so Sariah and Alex took the weekend off to help navigate them there. First, they had to rent a car, and then Brandon rode in the back of their truck. I wanted them to stay until he was better, but they had a daughter, Abbey, coming home from her mission in Arizona the following Tuesday.
Covid took a toll on Brandon. It took him over two months to get his energy back. This is a harsh virus. The picture above is of them getting ready to leave for home.
July, 24th, we were invited up to Heber, Utah, to our son, Sean, and daughter-in-law, Mary's home for dinner, celebrate Pioneer day, and be part of some family pictures they were taking. It was extra fun because we hadn't seen our Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren for a very long time due to Covid. This has been a sad year for a family event. Also, our Grandson, Joseph, was on leave from the Navy, so that was extra special.
We had a great time with them during the picture taking. The family dogs were included as part of the photos, which meant some funny moments.
This is a photo of my dearest Eternal Companion and me on Sunday, July 24. The flowers were a gift from a dear friend.
I have been serving as Stake Relief Society President in our Church. I have had a marvelous Presidency. The four of us are pictured above. One of our responsibilities was to plan one or two Stake activities for all the women in our Stake each year. We designed a big 178th Birthday Celebration on March 17, 2020, to commemorate the women's Relief Society organized in 1842. The program was outstanding. Following the program, we were to have refreshments from that era and butter making, quilting, candle dipping, and doll making. Unfortunately, due to Covid, it was Counseled. We rescheduled for March 17, 2021, and I had to counsel it again. Finally, we had the tender mercy of being able to hold it on August 24, 2021. It was a fantastic evening and well attended beyond what we anticipated. Many hours and many hands brought this together. Recently, we were released from this assignment after 4 years. This calling has been a huge growing experience for me, and I have learned countless lessons. I love all the sisters in our Stake and have had a wonderful time interrelating with them. My Presidency was made up of stalwart, giving, spiritually motivated women, whom I love with all my heart. We have become very close friends.

My husband and I were called in March to be South Jordan Coordinating Council Just Serve Specialists. We have thus far been involved in two significant initiatives. This one was held on 911 National Day of Service. This was to commemorate the 911 Terrorist attacks in 2001. This was a Statewide Service day, and thousands of individuals, and families within the community, participated in it. There were many and varied projects. The project we did was to clean the Storm drain grate. We cleaned around 40. It rained that day which added to the fun.
All projects were listed on JustServe, a website where you can find service projects for groups, individuals, and families. Go in on JustServe.org and find a project, then sign up and Just Serve.
Our 54th Wedding Anniversary this year was on Sunday, June 13. We were unable to have an away moment. We planned later to take a few days and go somewhere. The summer flew by, and finally, we designed a trip to Central Utah in the area where I was born and lived until I was 12. We traveled down to Aurora, Utah, a community of around 600 people, and stayed in an Air B&B. The cozy tiny home was built in 1880 and updated; It had a fun pioneer history.
We planned to visit a couple of places, but mainly, just relax.
On Sunday, we attended Church there and loved it. The messages were inspiring, and it was a delightful Sabbath day. We took a drive after Church to look around the countryside. My Dad had 300 acres of farmland in Aurora when I was growing up. I remember picking potatoes in the field and spend time playing on the farm. However, I couldn't remember exactly where the farm was located.
The next day, we headed for Richfield, Utah, where I was born. We went shopping and walking down parts of the main street. I always get lots of memories flooding back when I am there. Afterward, we drove to Sigurd, Utah, where my parents were buried and placed flowers on their graves. It was a tender moment.
On Tuesday, we got up and made a picnic lunch, and took off for Fish Lake. As a youth and many times through the years, we have spent time at Fish Lake. It is one of my favorite places to visit. We had a great time there, taking in the scenery and took lots of pictures. It was a nice clear day with a touch of fall in it.
On the way home, we drove to Salina, Utah, and went to the cemetery to see where my Great Aunt Lucille and Uncle Jack were buried. As a young girl, I spent hours in their home. Next, we had the most giant Sundae ever at the "Top Spot" in Salina.
This was a fantastic break, and we had a lot of fun.
These last few months have been hectic for us, and we have had ups and downs with a lot of joy sprinkled in.
I'm hoping that life will settle down just a touch. May you all know I have missed you and plan to be involved in blogging on a more scheduled basis.
Hi LeeAnn! I loved seeing all of the photos of your family...and some that we share! It always amazes me how quickly time has flown by. Where did it go?!
Looks like you had a very busy summer, making memories and having fun. Your anniversary trip looked so relaxing and I could just see how much you loved it on your faces. The lake looked gorgeous!
Hopefully, things will settle down enough that next time you are here, we can get together for more that a quick chat! We should just plan on going out to dinner with the kids and making a night of it! I'm so glad that you two are staying healthy, times are definitely scary. Bob is having a shoulder replacement on the 10th of November, so we will be home bound for a while. I'm praying that everything goes well and he can be himself by spring.
Love you and miss you! Be safe and take good care of each other!
Hugs and Love,
it is better to live life then to worry about writing about it!! the collages you make are a wonderful way to share your memories and the pictures you take to memorialize a life well spent!!
i was very interested reading about averi, it is amazing what she has accomplished and i love that she can play the piano.
all of these celebrations look like so much fun. you have such a beautiful family, so many lovely children. you look good leann, i was so happy to read this post. happy anniversary, i happy you were able to get away!!
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