Saturday, April 11, 2020

Our Divine Redeemer

What an unusual Easter we will experience this year. I feel in my heart that maybe it is actually an extraordinary one. Since our Prophet, President Russell M. Nelson invited us to Fast and Pray on April 10, Good Friday for the Corvid 19 to be controlled, our Caregivers to be blessed and protected, our economy to improved, and life to be normalized. The invitation was for all the world, and many faiths and others joined this fast. It was incredible to read all of the marvelous experiences that people had when fasting and praying. Many expressed that they felt peace, comfort, and awareness that indeed a loving Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ, were near and listening. I think in the last several weeks that much good has been going on in the world. People have been humbled and are now more aware of one another and have more caring hearts. Miracles have occurred, and I feel there will be even more. I ask you all to look for those daily miracles in your lives. Look for those blessings that are there just for you.

Today, I am sharing a couple of videos for you to enjoy! May the second video bring you comfort and peace in your heart and within your family. 


Barb said...

Hi LeAnn~

Happy Easter to you and Roger!! We have so much to be thankful for this Easter season!! So grateful for the knowledge I have of the love that My Savior has for me...thank you for this beautiful post, sure do love you guys...hope you have a wonderful Sabbath!!

Hugs and Much Love,

Marsha said... is a wonder Easter story. I'm sure you have already viewed this video but no one tell the Easter story like Elder Holland.

Marsha said... is another beautiful Easter song.

Debbie said...

the second video was extraordinary, there were so many images that brought me to tears. the doctors praying and the teddy bear with a mask, this is something none of us will ever forget!

that girl had a beautiful voice and i always enjoy see young musicians!! happy easter leann, i hope you have a beautiful day!!

Unknown said...

Your inspired capacity to touch our lives with memorable art, music that brings us peace and that we seldom hear from other sources, and messages of truth, the glorious truths of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ--all these guide us to a realm of peace, hope and inspiration that lifts us to holier spheres. Those are some of the sacred experiences with which I am blessed by your blogs. I love you dearly. (I don't know a thing about HTML tags.)

Unknown said...

Hope you got my comments that I left a few minutes ago. Love, Jean

Christy Monson said...

I too loved that people of other faiths included their prayers with ours. Thanks for the videos. I do love these. Have a great week. Hugs and love, Christy