Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Gratitude For The Glorious Plan of Salvation~

This Thanksgiving Season, I have sincere gratitude for the Glorious Plan of Salvation ~ 
Having this knowledge and testimony of our Father in Heaven's plan for me and for us all is built upon our beloved Brother and Savior, Jesus Christ. 
Here are the elements of this beautiful plan: 
We lived as spirit children of loving Heavenly Parents in the Pre-mortal life. This answers the question of where did I come from? 
Your life did not begin at birth, nor will it end at death. You are made up of a spirit body (sometimes called the soul) and a physical body. Heavenly Father created your spirit, and you lived with Him as a spirit before you were born on earth. You knew and loved Him, and He knew and loved you. This period is called pre-earth life. (Plan of Salvation Pamphlet, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day

Here is the video that will explain:  Where did we come from? Why are we here on earth? And where do we go after we leave after this life? We’ve all asked these questions hoping to discover the purpose of life.

Because of this plan, I have even a  deeper love for my Savior, Jesus Christ, and His Atonement. The Atonement is central to this Plan of Redemption. 

Life has many challenges. Part of our purpose here is to experience life with all it's intricate twists and turns. These tests will ultimately help us to grow and progress. We are promised that we will also experience great joy while on this sojourn on earth.  I am grateful for the joy that I feel as I strive to follow my path back to my Heavenly Parents.

Great joy comes from the blessings of a family. As I was sealed to my eternal companion in the temple forever, the family that came to us is sealed to us for eternity. This doesn't guarantee our place in the Celestial Kingdom unless we follow the Savior and His teachings and make and keep covenants with Heavenly Father. We have the gift of agency to choose the path we will take. I'm am grateful this day for the blessing of knowing that I can be with my family forever if we follow the plan. 
A sweet moment with my Eternal Love~
Our Family Fun This Summer~
 Birthday Moments with our oldest son and his family ~
 Extra Special times with our daughters and Granddaughters ~

Precious seconds with my Beautiful Great Grandchildren~
Our Fur Baby, Sammy
I am especially grateful for family. Often we have received our greatest blessings through our family even our extended family. Some of our family members; parents, siblings, and others that have gone before us. All family members have richly blessed our lives and I am grateful for each of them.

In life, we cross paths with many people who are our spirit brothers and sister's some of them become our closest friends. I am thankful for them all.  
 Our 55th High School Class Reunion Celebration~ Many Forever Friends
A celebration for this precious family. Aurea became Citizen of the United States -
More fun times with these great friends. 
A treasured Birthday Celebration with my best friend, Toni~
We are also blessed with the scriptures that help us know how to follow the covenant path that we walk with our Redeemer. 

Finally, there is prayer. Prayer is key in communicating with our Heavenly Father. Through prayer, we are helped here on earth by the Spirit of the Holy Ghost and ministering angels from both sides of the veil. I believe in prayer and have had many profound answers and miracles wrought through prayer. I have a thankful heart that I can always communicate with my Heavenly Father anytime, anywhere. 

Some of my most special moments come as I serve my Heavenly Father in our temples. I find great peace, answers to prayers, and many other feelings of deep joy while being in our Father's house. 
 We love our moments in this temple - The Jordan RiverTemple~
Serving in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint by serving others is one of my sweet blessings. I have a great love for all those individuals that cross my path.

One of the best parts of our Heavenly Father's plan of Happiness is we are promised that everyone that has lived on this earth will have the opportunity to accept or reject this plan either here or in the Spirit World.

Sending loving thoughts and hugs to all my friends, blogging friends and family. It's been a while since I have blogged and I have missed you all. 

May Everyone have a spectacular Thanksgiving Celebration with Friends and Family. Have a grateful heart, and you will feel greater peace and joy. 
Always remember you have a loving Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ. You are a Child of God. 


Unknown said...

Thank you for your Post..The Plan of happiness,is of great comfort to all who walk the path of the Gospel of Jesus Christ,of Latter Day Saints.No matter what tumultuous trial we might pass through,Jesus Christ,and His plan,enable us to understand,strengthen,and press forward,knowing He is with us in all events,easy or difficult.
You,my dear Lady,were part of sharing this wonderful plan with me.Your kindness and example,friendship,and sisterhood,helped me on this path,for which I will always be Eternally Grateful.Love you and Roger,for all you do,and all you are!! Love Sister Pat Kinsey.Much
Gratitude,comes from knowing such special friends,along the way!(:

Christy Monson said...

Thanks for sharing this beautiful post. Wishing you the happiest of holidays and true joy with your family. Love, Christy

Debbie said...

beautiful pictures of you, roger and your very handsome family. i read the first comment and was very touched by the impact you have had on others. it has to be such a wonderful feeling to have someone write that tribute to you!!

Tracy said...

Hi, Sister LeAnn. Lovely to see you back here. THANK YOU for the beauty of this message... sooo good as we move from Thanksgiving to Christmas. And LOVE your new banner at the top too! Sooo NICE to see all that's been happening there with you & yours in recent months. Wishing you & yours a beautiful and blessed Advent and Christmastime! God Bless you all! (LOVE & HUGS)) P.S. I sent you an email, but it bounced back to me... I will try to send again. :)