The first Saturday of October, we attended two of our Grandson's Soccer games. The photo above is our Grandson, Joshua. He plays goalie and he did a number of great saves for the team

The photo of the young man on the beach is our Grandson, Jeffery. He plays Forward on the team and has made several goals this year. He is a very talented player.
I loved this moment with my friend Sue. We went to lunch and enjoy being together. I met Sue while on our mission and she is such an awesome lady. 

Here are two updated photos of my husband and I. We are missing our mission and our missionary badges. We are still doing some visiting with some of the wonderful individuals and families we were working with. We are now just their friends.
Our 8-year-old Grandson, Benjamin was baptized and confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in October. He was so excited to receive these ordinances. This endearing family of ours, live in Arizona. They are moving up here the 1st of December. They decided they wanted him Baptized here so more of the family on both sides could attend. We had a delightful day with them all.
The top left photo is our daughter, Jenni, granddaughter, Alyssa, and son in law, Michael with Emma and Benjamin in the front. Top right photo is their family with Michael's mother, Irene. Middle right photo is one of Michael's siblings family and children from another sibling, plus his mother.Bottom left is Irene with Benjamin - the Bottom middle is LeAnn, Roger, and Benjamin. Bottom right is our two families, Michael and Jenni with Alyssa, Emma and Ben and our son James, Amber and their three children, Christian, Taylor Jo, and Averi; plus us.
We later celebrated our Granddaughter, Taylor Jo's 17th birthday. It was fun to celebrate this special time with her. She is an outstanding young woman and we are so proud of her.
Here we are just chill in together as a family. We had such a delightful day with them all!
Next event was our missionary homecoming report in our home ward on a Sunday. Our Heber family came down for it. We celebrated our Grandson, Joshua's 11th birthday. We had a total of 18 present. Our two oldest grandchildren's family with all 5 of our great-grandchildren. We had dinner and the birthday celebration. It as a lovely Sabbath day.
Here is our grandson's Joseph, Jeffery, and Jackson. Next photo, Jessica our granddaughter in law in the background; grandson, Jackson; great-granddaughter, Lilly; great-grandson, Sagan; birthday boy, Joshua, grandson, Jeffery and great-granddaughter, Jadyn.
Here is my angel friend, Toni. We have been close friends for years and I love time with her. We had a great lunch and conversation. We actually both went on our missions at the same time and were in the Mission Training Center together. She and her husband went to Tonga while we stayed at home for our mission.
Here are some awesome ladies that I have known for more than 50 years. They are my high school friends. They have been meeting together for lunch once a month for a while. I went to lunch with them a few times while I was on my mission. I really love each of these sweet girls. We have so much fun when we are together.
Other than being a bit older, we are all the same as when we were in High School. We enjoy reminiscing and laughing a lot.
They were brand new apartments when we first moved in. I have many fond memories of our years in this apartment complex.
We were invited to my husband, Roger's oldest brother's 80th birthday party. All the siblings were there except for his brother Bruce, who wasn't able to come. We had a great evening visiting with one another. Laddy is in the top left photo. The top right photo is Roger and his siblings; Michael, Laddy, Gloria, Jerry, and Steve. Missing is Bruce and then his oldest sister Marilyn has passed away.
Last week we went to St. George to spend some time with Roger's brother Bruce and our sister in law, Anita. Roger went fishing with his brother and they caught some nice fish. I spent time with Anita. We did some shopping and just had a great visit. We loved going to church and spending a sweet Sabbath day with them.
I had two other events this month. In my new assignment as Stake Relief Society President, we held our first Auxiliary Training meeting for all the 10 ward Relief Society Presidencies. We had a light dinner of delicious soups, salads, bread steaks and a scrumptious dessert.
Our meeting was wonderful and our Stake President closed the meeting and the spirit was there to help us through all of our training.
It was fun to meet and get to know the sisters better. Many of them I met while I was serving my mission.
Within a few days, we were given an additional assignment of decorating 36 tables for an upcoming Stake High Priest dinner this Friday. It's been a busy 10 days planning and getting everything together. It should be a wonderful dinner and program.
Yup! I haven't had time to sit back in my recliner and start a good novel. Maybe, next week.
That's my October moments of family fun and lovely friend moments.
Wishing all of you dear Blogging and Facebooking friends out there a wonderful month of November filled with many special times with family and friends as we remember to be Thankful for all of our blessings.
What a great summary of your fall. You are very busy! Hope Relief Society is going well. Lots of love to you--a Sister in Christ
Wow, looks like your October was spent with a whole-lotta-family, friends, and happiness....and that's not even including your busy calling.
Here's to a spectacular November with a Thanksgiving full of family and friends, too!
Hi LeAnn!
What a fun October you had!! See how busy you will be now that you have been released from your mission?!
I loved seeing all of those sweet kids of yours who have grown up right before my eyes, they are beautiful! And those football photos reminded me so much of our football days with, Christian, I have to say I miss it. It's just hard to believe that, Ethan is that old!
I love that you stay in touch with your high school friends, what a blessing that is in your life and in theirs. It looked like lots of fun!
It's fun to see, Roger holding all those fish...I thought it would be you! I know what an outdoor girl you are, so that must have been fun to see them come home with all those gorgeous fish!
Enjoy your November, I know it will be filled with fun and many Thanksgiving blessings! Love you two to bits!
Oooo...such FUN autumn decorating at your place, LeAnn!! I like autumn decorating, but don't really have any right now, and not much space to store a lot of extra seasonal things like that. Here in Norway, no one really decorates for autumn, which is a pity. So I'd need to get autumn decor while Stateside sometime. ;) Lovely to always see photos of you & your family/friends. Sooo NICE the newer pics of your & your husband! So lovely all the celebrating... and sooo exciting Benjamin being baptized--God Bless him on his Christian journey! God Bless you all! Wishing you all a happy November, the month of thank-full... :))) With LOVE, In Christ--Tracy
you are lucky to have those sporting events to attend, i use to enjoy them so much when my sons played!!
these are beautiful family photo's, it looks like you are been super busy - good that you had time for lunch with your special friend!!
ooooh and i forgot about rogers fish, wow, he sure did earn that trip away, relaxing and fishing!!
Wow! You have such a big beautiful family! I am sure it is a joy to you. I loved all the pictures! Happy New Year!!!
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