On Dec. 17th 2010 in the early morning a fire engulfed the Provo Tabernacle. The firemen fought this fire for hours until all that was left was just the outside shell. It was all in rubble. It took months before they learned the cause of the fire and a year before new plans for this historic building were announced.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Our Visit To The Provo City Center Temple~
On Dec. 17th 2010 in the early morning a fire engulfed the Provo Tabernacle. The firemen fought this fire for hours until all that was left was just the outside shell. It was all in rubble. It took months before they learned the cause of the fire and a year before new plans for this historic building were announced.
- Denise said...
January 21, 2016 at 6:42 PM
- Marsha said...
My daughter has also attended the open house and she said it is beautiful. I can't wait to go and see this Temple. When it was the Provo Tabernacle, back in 1980, my husband and I had our first date there attending a fireside.
January 21, 2016 at 7:05 PM
- Marie Rayner said...
How very wonderful that they were able to do this with this very special building and create something even more sacred and beautiful than the original. I Hope that one day I will be able to see it in person and go inside! God bless you and Roger for all that you do! Love you! xoxo
January 22, 2016 at 1:18 AM
- Christy Monson said...
What a beautiful historical overview of the newest temple of the Lord. Our love and hugs to you on your mission. Thinking of you always. Prayers are with you. Hugs. Christy
January 22, 2016 at 11:07 AM
- Just Ramblin' said...
So glad you were able to attend the open house. We are hoping to make it a little later. Everyone I've talked to has felt such an amazing Spirit and loves what has been done to preserve this historic site. I remember attending meeting there when it was the Provo Tabernacle while attending BYU. Thanks for sharing all the pictures. So glad you are doing well. You are blessing so many lives! Nola
January 22, 2016 at 2:01 PM
- Barb said...
Hi LeAnn!
Loved seeing all the pictures! What a beautiful temple, I would love to take a trip to Provo just to see it.
Blessings to you sweet friend, thanks for sharing!
Hugs and Love,
Barb -
January 25, 2016 at 7:51 PM
- Galen Pearl said...
I truly enjoyed seeing all the photos of this exquisite building. And thank you for adding my new blog to your blogroll. You are a good blog friend!
January 26, 2016 at 6:49 PM
- Debbie said...
I enjoyed the images of the temple, it is a beautiful place. I personally would enjoy a humbler place.....and to see the money spent on feeding and housing the homeless. Perhaps you understand why so much money is spent on the structure itself, as I know it is very important to you....and also how dedicated you are!!
January 29, 2016 at 8:29 PM
- Susan Anderson said...
I need to visit soon, because I really want to see it in person.
=) -
February 6, 2016 at 10:52 PM