I would like to share some of my thoughts on love. February seems to be all about love. Love is in the air; it surrounds us and especially on Valentines Day. Lately, I have been thinking about what love is, how we find it and how it grows. I want to understand the word "Charity"; since it is my thematic word for the year. Love of course, is an integral element of charity. I love this statement; "True love is acting in a lovely way. Such love is a principle of power that lifts and saves". (unknown author). What this thought means to me is that we truly learn, grow and love by serving one another. John 13: 34-35 says "As I have loved you; love one another". The Savior is our greatest example of Love. What did our beloved Savior do? He served.
When I was married to my husband for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake Temple I thought I knew what love was all about. I remember later on being told that to have a good marriage one needed to each give 100% to each other. Through the years my husband has given much more than that 100% to me. He is always doing the little things for me. He would clean something that needed to be cleaned that I hadn't gotten too. He many times brought me breakfast in bed, fixed our dinners, put in a load of laundry and ironed something for me. He has never believed that housework is just for the woman in the home. He has tenderly cared for me during times of illness and stress. He has given me countless priesthood blessings for comfort and or healing. The list of his service to me is long. Of course, I tried to serve him through the years but my list is shorter. Besides the fact he can iron better than me.
Then when he was 45 years old he had a Heart Attack. Following his heart attack he had an angioplasty on three of his arteries and a few days later he had complications that required two hospitalizations. The following year it was found that the angioplasty had failed and he had a double by-pass surgery. I remember when he returned from the recovery room following surgery; I looked at him and thought about how deeply I loved him. How grateful that I still had him with me. I recognized that over that year I had had the opportunity and privilege of serving him with all my heart. I knew we had a good marriage; but then I more fully realized how blessed I was to have a man like him love me. I was able to return to him my deep love for him; by serving him, also.

Oh, the many nights of caring for a new born baby, nights of walking the floor with a sick child, nights of worry about where they were and what they were doing and then thoughts of were they safe.
Times of inner struggle on how do we help a beloved son or daughter that made a wrong choice. How to handle a multitude of problems and concerns. With all of these parenting experiences that love we had when we first held that brand new spirit sent to us from a loving Heavenly Father had multiplied many times over.
We then add to our love list, their beloved spouses and children. This cycle of love and service continues on. When problems arrive with one of our children we are on our knees pleading for their safety, their recovery, their lively hood and so many other items of concern. Our prayers are long as we pray for our grandchildren and great grandchildren. They too must tread the path of learning to love deeply and completely. Marriage and family life is the training ground for learning Charity, the Pure Love of Christ.
Both my husband and I have been deeply blessed with loving parents. Although they have passed on; we love them and at times have the privilege of feeling them near. I believe that they are still connected to us in many ways and that they are near to aid and serve us even though we can't see them. How I love our siblings they too hold a special place in our hearts. There are other cherished extended family such as aunt, uncles and cousins that bless our lives.
Love grows for others who are placed in our path. I have so many experiences of learning and growing in my love for our brothers and sisters in the gospel. We have many good friends that are cherished and loved.
Love goes the other way too. We must allow others to serve us in times of need. We have received many acts of kindness from others through the years. Service is given and should be taken freely. We all need opportunities to serve one another and thus grow in our love for one another.
Being a nurse has given me countless opportunities to serve and love others. I can assure you that there are so many I have cared for that I have deeply loved. I am so grateful for those blessed opportunities.
Church assignments often require dedication and service. I have learned so many lessons about love from these experiences.
"True love is more than a feeling or a declaration; true love is acting in a loving way. 'That is true love is being charitable, exemplifying the "pure love of Christ." Such love is a principle of power that lifts and saves." (unknown author).
Elder Boyd K. Packer said it this way: "As you give what you have, there is a replacement , with increase:"
John Greenleaf Whittier wrote, "I'll lift you, and you lift me, and we'll both ascend together."
Happy Valentines Day to all of you wonderful loving family and friends that have blessed our lives with true love.
Here are some fun blogs to visit. These are blogs that feel my heart with love~
Because of being raised by a farmer and rancher; I love Cheryl's writings at "The Farmer's Daughter". She posts beautiful pictures of Barns, Country Landscapes, Animals ( her adorable cats) and other fun things.
Here you will find fun family adventures with this family of 12 children. They are an amazing family.
Christy is wonderful friend that has been a family therapist. She has written several books and I love her blog. I have learned so much from her on self-improvement and parenting.
I love reading the positive and upbeat daily entries of Singing Granny's life. She has gone back to school to become an artist. I love following her progress and her enthusiasm for life.
Here is a secret! You are really an angel send directly from Heaven to bless all our lives. Some may say you are an earthling, but you are given to us as a gift from God.
Thanks for this sweet post. I do love it. Lots of love and hugs.
Happy Valentines Day, love you.
LeAnn, I loved this post. I have to confess to tearing up when you were telling about your sweet husband and his heath problems. So glad you didn't lose him at such a tender age! I have to ask and it's probably prideful of me to even assume, but did you mean to list my blog? You actually have the same one listed twice. Thank you for all of your wonderful inspirational posts.
Hi LeAnn!
I love you sweet friend.....
Big Hugs,
I always enjoy reading your blog Thanks once again! Melody
Nurses have so many wonderful opportunities, to really make a difference and change people's lives!! For me, it was the most rewarding part of the job. I always felt I received so much more then I gave!!
Sending you a hug!!
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