FOR TODAY - February 20th 2014
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Outside my window....it is a cool sunny day. It has been very dreary the last few days so the sunshine is lifting my spirits today. I love light and always feel more motivated to get things accomplished.
I am thinking......that life can be wonderful but also very difficult. I think in today's world we all have stresses that affect us often, sometimes daily.The last few days I have felt so much negativity surrounding me with various worries that have popped up. Today I was reading an article in The Ensign, entitled; "Face The Future With Faith & Hope by Elder M. Russell Ballard." (January, 2014, pg. 25-29). You can read it here. There is a lot of evil in our society; but there is even more good if we but look for it.
I am thankful...that I live in this day and age. We live in a beautiful world. Right now I feel blessed to live in the United States of America. We are a great nation. Yes, there are problems and perhaps these will increase; but for now we are very blessed. We do have freedoms and agency to choose our path. Most of us live comfortably. We have food, clothing, housing, and so many modern conveniences. The technology in today's world is amazing.
We do have the poor and needy among us and we do have an obligation to assist where we can. We can be positive and bring the light of the gospel to others. We can share some of our bounty. We can reach out and serve one another. I know and feel that we are all brothers and sisters and we are all children of a loving Heavenly Father.
In those nations that do not have the blessings that we have; we can assist them through humanitarian efforts. I feel strongly that we have an obligation to lift and care for those among us on this earth who have little or basically nothing.
We do have the poor and needy among us and we do have an obligation to assist where we can. We can be positive and bring the light of the gospel to others. We can share some of our bounty. We can reach out and serve one another. I know and feel that we are all brothers and sisters and we are all children of a loving Heavenly Father.
In those nations that do not have the blessings that we have; we can assist them through humanitarian efforts. I feel strongly that we have an obligation to lift and care for those among us on this earth who have little or basically nothing.
In the kitchen...there is not much going on there. My husband went into work today and I did make him breakfast and and prepared him a lunch. I won't be here in the evening; so no real cooking for me today. He's on his own for dinner.
I am wearing.....light blue Levi's, a white blouse, blue socks and black slippers. I feel com fee.
I am creating.....this blog post. Probably no more creating for me today after I finish this one.
I am going......out to my dear Aunt Della's assisted living place and stay with her overnight so that her son and his wife can have a night off. I am excited to have time with her. She isn't doing well and I think her time is limited. If she is having a good day; we might be able to visit a little; otherwise she isn't communicating much. I feel so sad to lose her and I want to spend time with her while I can.
I am wondering...... why little children have to suffer and even die. I do know the answer to this but it is still hard to watch children suffer. I do know that Heavenly Father and our Savior love them very much. In our faith we believe that children who die before the age of 8 (age of accountability) go to the Celestial Kingdom where Heavenly Father and the Savior reside. These children are not required to go through a total life experience. We believe in the pre-earth life that they were chosen to come to earth for only a brief period of time. If it is one of our own children; we believe that we are an eternal family and we will be together again as a family in the Celestial kingdom. If you are interested in reading more on this subject here are two more links: "What happens After We Die" and "The Plan of Salvation" -The reason I am saddened about little children is that one of our dearest friends recently lost their little 3 year old son following open heart surgery. This sweet family has 18 children. Nine of the children are their own and nine of their children are adopted. This was a little Chinese boy from China that they adopted; whom they knew up front had heart problems. They picked him up in China and brought him home. He had one surgery a short time after he arrived here. My dear friend felt strongly that she wouldn't have this little one for long. You can read more about their experiences at "It's A Wonderful Life." Gideon Walker's funeral is on Saturday. Perhaps, say some prayers for the sweet Walker family. I can't imagine the sorry of losing a precious child. But, I do know that this marvelous family have great faith in the Plan of Salvation.
I also found out today that my dear cousin Mari's granddaughter Lila's cancer is spreading. Here are the thoughts found on my cousin's Facebook page.
Well this is the post that I never wanted to write. Things are not looking good for our little angel. The cancer is back, this time it's in her brain. The neurosurgeon is going to take out the tumor tomorrow (Friday) at 10am. She thinks she can get it all which is good. However the bad news is that the cancer cells are in Lila's blood, which means more tumors will grow back in a no time at all. Our options are to give her at-home chemo therapy which will give her a less than 20% survival rate; or just give her pain meds until the tumor gets so big that it takes over her brain and she falls into a coma.
I hate both of these options. This little girl is such a bright, beautiful shining star and now she is being taken away from us after everything she has already been thru. How do parents decide which path to take? This is an impossible situation.
I will keep you updated after her surgery and let you know what we as a family come up with. THANK YOU ALL so much for your continued love and support.
Please say a pray for sweet little Lila May and her family.
I also have a very dear friend named Lura who has recently had surgery and is very ill. I am sending prayers for her too.
I am reading.....The Book of Mormon and I am still in 2 Nephi; Isaiah's writings. I am learning so much. The scriptures bring great peace and comfort to me. Many times I have found answers to my prayers from reading the scriptures.

I am also reading the book entitled: " Consider The Blessings - True Accounts of God's Hand In Our Lives" by Thomas S. Monson who is our prophet, and President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
President Thomas S. Monson~
This book is so filled with wonderful stories of faith. Just today I read some thoughts that helped me feel better about my own circumstances and also the difficulties of our dear friends and my cousin's family. I know that the spirit can comfort them and that they can find peace in God's plan for them. I believe that Angels will surround them and bear them up during these painful times.
I am regretfully not reading a novel right now; life has just been too busy. I feel the lack of relaxing and reading a good novel.
I did however, read a short children's book entitled: "The Hundred Dresses"; by Eleanor Estes.
We had a marvelous Relief Society meeting last night on this book. You can find a short review of this book here on a You Tube video. You can download it for free here.
The three main character's showed personality traits that we all have had experiences with. The moral of this story is to not judge one another and to open our hearts to those around us. Become more aware of each other and the struggles we are all going through. Remember the Savior commandment to " Love One Another As I Have Loved You". .
I am trying to learn.....to having a more open heart to those around me. I have always tried to do this; but now I want to be even more aware of others. I want to be more bold in getting to know individuals and enjoying more friendships. I want to follow the Savior and be doing the good things
I am hoping.....to have a sweet afternoon and night with my dearly beloved Aunt Della.
I am praying for the miracle of peace and hope to be with those who have such deep sorrows and decision to make.
I am praying for the miracle of peace and hope to be with those who have such deep sorrows and decision to make.
I am looking forward to....more sunshine, more time with family, more tender moments to share with my dear husband. We are flying to Washington next week to attend the baptism of our little grandson, William who turns 8 years old tomorrow. This will be such a wonderful moment of time. I am hoping to see some friends while there.
Around the house...right now I have some great 60's music playing. Oh, how music can bring back the memories. I love listening to music. Music has a way of filling my mind with memories and lifting my spirit higher. I have been enjoying playing the piano more. It's not a gift I have but it is a blessing in my life.
I am pondering...on all of the many thoughts I have expressed in this post.
A favorite quote for today...
One of my favorite things....is to dance with my husband. On Valentine's Day we celebrated at home. He danced with me and it was heavenly. How I love that good husband of mine.
"Be the Rainbow In Someone's Cloud"~
One of my favorite things....is to dance with my husband. On Valentine's Day we celebrated at home. He danced with me and it was heavenly. How I love that good husband of mine.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Stay with my Aunt tonight - Complete a history I am working on - Work in the temple on Saturday - Attend the funeral of our dear friend's son - Have a lovely peaceful Sabbath Day~
Enjoyed your daybook, as always. Praying over all these needs. I love you.
Our prayers are with you and yours. Hope all is well with them.
Went to your temple today, but it wasn't Saturday so you weren't there.
Hugs to you and lots of love,
I love this post. Although I don't like heating about your relative with cancer. It is taking so many these days. Praying for her!
I'm behind on my blog reading, but I have just said a prayer for your relative and for the young boy's family. May God bless them and give them comfort as only He can as they go through these trials.
Take care, LeAnn!
Another wonderful post. Thanks for sharing about your friends and the little boy they adopted from China. I just noticed on your sidebar a post and took time to go there and read it. Very touching and brought tears to my eyes. But, I know that they will be ok because of their strong faith. They will be blessed and comforted as they learn to deal with this loss. I am also saddened to read about Lila's cancer. Cancer is such a terrible disease. What a difficult decision to have to make. I will certainly be sending prayers their way. Thinking of you and you Aunt. What a blessing you have been to this family. Thanks again for another wonderful post. Nola
these entries are very thoughtful leann, they must take a long time to complete!!
we could all use a little extra sunshine this winter, but if you look hard, it's still with us.
i hope your visit went well with your aunt today, what a great way to spread some sunshine!!
I empathize with you. Life can be very hard, and so many times it seems so overwhelming. I know the pain of losing a child, but also the faith that we will be together again. I hope your visit went well with your aunt. Life is about relationships, and how we care for each other. I think you are doing great!!! And I hope you have a good day today. Melody
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