Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Simple Woman's Daybook~

FOR TODAY - May 8th, 2013

Outside my a gray cloudy day with a sprinkle of rain. I always laugh at our dog Sammy. If the weather is bad, he backs up from the door and doesn't want to go out. I need to get a video of this because it is very funny.
I am thinking...that I need to finish these thoughts and then come up with something to post on our family blog to my daughters, daughter in laws and granddaughter in laws for Mother's Day.
I am thankful...that I have had a few weeks without always coughing. It is so rare that I am not coughing that it is just so very pleasant. I have a dry hacking cough that is so irritating. I have been afflicted with this for years. It is a combination of allergies and reflux. I have been working on my weight issues so that will probably help a little.  My husband says that he has lost the hearing in his right ear due to me hacking away in the car. This makes me sad.  
In the kitchen..we are going to have left over Turkey Tacos tonight.
I am Levi's with a multicolored blouse and blue slippers.
I am creating...a pedigree chart on the LDS new Family Tree site for our family and our ancestors. 
I am going..this evening to a soccer game that our grandson, Jonathan is playing in. We are also going to a wedding reception for a girl in our ward. .
I am wondering...if I will ever get caught up on all of the different projects that I have. I swear I will need to live until I am hundred to get everything done on my list.
I am reading...I am still reading "21 Days Closer to Christ" by Emily Freeman and Simon Dewey. There is a 21 day challenge. I think instead of 21 days it is going to take me 21 months.The pictures by Simon Dewey in the book are breath taking. I love her writings. I actually have two more of her books I haven't read yet.
I am almost through with  "To The Rescue", the Autobiography of our present day Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson. I still marvel at what a wonderful man he is. He is so real and has such a compassionate heart for all people. He is so Christlike in everything he does. He is always serving and lifting others.
Here are a few quotes of his: "Kneel down to pray, step up to serve, and reach out to rescue". "Our homes are to be more than sanctuaries; they should also be places where God's spirit can dwell, where the storm stops at the door, where love reigns and peace dwells." "Never postpone a prompting." "No...sincere, prayerful effort will go unanswered: that is the very consititution of the philosopy of faith. Divine favor will attend those who humbly seek it...He who notes the Sparrow's fall will, in His own way, achnowledge us." " May you love and serve God. May you also love your fellowman. May you have peace within your hearts and contentment within your souls."
I am almost through with The Book of Mormon. When I have completed it; I will start reading it all over again. I marvel at how I learn many new things each time I read this powerful book of scriptures.
I am start doing some spring cleaning of my home. It really needs what I call a good deep cleaning. I will probably have to divide up the cleaning into tasks that only take a couple of hours a day instead of a full day of housework. It will take at least a month to get it all done.
I am looking forward to...going to an award ceremony for my grandson, Jackson on Saturday. He won an art contest and placed 3rd in the State competition. Afterwards we are heading up to Sugar City Idaho for our grandson, Ethan's birthday and Ordination to the Aaronic Priesthood on Sunday.
I am let go of some of my daily worries. I can't solve all the problems that come under my radar. I just have to turn the worries over to the Lord. I can't solve them without His help. I pray for the wisdom to hear and know what to do with some of the struggles I am having right now in my family. Sometimes, I feel depressed about it all. At those moments I just pray and I do feel peace and that Heavenly Father and the Savior know the deep feelings of my heart. I love each of the members of our family and I really want "No Empty Chairs" in Heaven.
One of my guilty pleasures.... is Popcorn. I love to make Popcorn. I think it is a hereditary kind of thing. My mother always made a lot of popcorn, especially when I had friends over. She and my Aunt Della told me that my grandfather loved to make popcorn too.
Around the is very quiet today. My husband went into his work today. He normally works at home. I really miss him; it seems too quiet. Our poor Sammy is so sad when he isn't here. He jumps up on the back of the couch and just waits all day for him to come home. Sammy is very depressed today; he so loves my hubby.

I am pondering....upon Mother's Day. I have been feeling a little down. When Mother's Day comes I really find myself missing my Mom. I hope she is near and knows how much I love and miss her. It is so hard to lose a parent and the hurt never really goes away. She is always in my thoughts. There are so many moments when I am in a pickle and just wish I could call her on the phone and tell her my struggles. She was a wise, loving and giving mother.
A favorite quote for today....

Something new about that I love Tomato Soup and Cheese on Bread in the Oven. Mind you that is what my mother called a toasted cheese sandwich. This is one of my comfort foods. We haven't had Tomato Soup for a while until recently. I can tell when I am a little bit down because I want to have my comfort foods. Of course, I always have chocolate as my number one comfort food.
A pet there is never enough time each day to complete what I think is important.
I have been practising the piano more and I hate when I don't have enough time in the day to do that. I know priorities are the problem; which is also irritating. I am just not getting it all together.
A few plans for the rest of the week:
Thursday, a visit to my Aunt Della and I will be taking her to the doctor. She has been in Rehabilitation Care Center for about two months. She was getting ready to go back to her assisted living place on this last Monday; but she developed a bursitis in her shoulder. This will impede her progress. I feel so sad for her and she has been in a lot of pain. She will be 100 years old in September and has such a memory. I sometimes question why after that many years someone has to endure more pain in their lives. I know that it is just life; but I feel sad for her. I really love her so much and she has inspired me in so many ways.
Friday will be a routine day. I will be making up a schedule for temple training on Saturday. I have two new sisters to train and one that is fairly new and then two that are close to being finished.
Saturday will be the Temple, the award program for our Grandson, Jackson and then driving up to Sugar City for our Grandson Ethan's 12th birthday.
Sunday will be church and then our Grandson's Ethan's Ordination to the Priesthood. We will then be driving home.
A peek into my day...
Our Sammy ~
 Be sure to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself!


The Adventurer said...

I can tell from your post you are feeling a little down, I am sorry to know this, I will be adding you to my prayer list. We have 2 things in common 1) I own blue slippers too:) 2) I tomato soup is one of my comfort foods too:)

singing/granny said...

I enjoyed reading your post this morning. I know those feelings of discouragement. I miss my mom too for the same reasons. How nice it will be when the trials of this life are over! But in the mean time keep smiling! I'm pulling for you!!!! Melody

Susan Anderson said...

I am a popcorn-lover too, and so is my husband.

Sorry you are missing your mom just now and hoping you will feel her close to you this weekend.

And congrats to Jackson!


Christy Monson said...

This is simply beautiful! I do love these posts. Love and hugs, Christy

Denise said...

Sorry you are feeling down, sending you hugs, prayers, and love. Hope your grandson has a wonderful birthday. Congrats to Jackson. I enjoy tomato soup, and love popcorn. Missing my momma too. Please take care.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I love popcorn, too, LeAnn, but it makes me cough! I have the coughing problem, too, from acid reflux. My doctor had me take Prilosec and it helped for a few weeks, but I'm back coughing again. I also take a pill my chiropractor recommended and it helps when I remember it. You take it before you eat, it's called HCI with Pepsin by the Solaray Co. I found it at a health food store. If you want to know more about it, just let me know.

Don't be too hard on yourself regarding getting things done. It sounds to me like you keep quite busy!

Have a wonderful and Happy Mother's Day on Sunday!