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President Gordan B. and Sister Margorie Pay Hinckley |
Our beloved Prophet, President Gordon B. Hinckley passed away on January 27th 2008. It now seems to be a more appropriate time to write about this event in my life. It was around 8 am on March 27th 2001 that I received this memorable telephone call. The person on the line introduced himself and asked if I was Sister LeAnn Williams. After answering, Yes; The person on the line then said that President Hinckley wanted to talk with me. President Gordon B. Hinckley was then the Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Some of the individuals that I shared this with have asked if I really thought at first that it was the Prophet. I totally knew through the spirit that it was. When President Hinckley came on the line he asked me how I was doing. At that point I was almost too overwhelmed to speak. I told him I was doing well which I was; who wouldn't be. He then told me that he had just recently been on a trip and had stopped to refuel their plane on the Island of Aruba. While there he decided to meet with the missionaries that were serving in that area. At that time my daughter Jenni-Marie was serving as a missionary for the church in Venezuela and assigned to work in the city of Aruba. He told me that he had met Sister Williams and her companion and visited with them. He said that she was doing well on her mission and enjoying the work. He reassured me that although she was on this small Island that she was safe and I should not be concerned for her welfare. I then asked him if he knew whose granddaughter she was and he replied, no. I then explained that she was LaMar Williams’ granddaughter. My father in law LaMar Williams had worked under President Hinckley in the Missionary department for over 30 years. He was happy to know that and he was a little emotional in his response. The conversation was brief but very meaningful to me. I could hardly believe that the President of our church whose membership at that time was over 11 million members would call me up to reassure me that my daughter was doing well. I didn’t for even a second think I was the only one singled out for a call. But, I did feel blessed that he would take a few minutes of his time and actually make this reassuring call to me.
After this call ended I started to cry. You could say I was totally blown away.I was just so surprised and my emotions were so indescribable. Of course the first person I wanted to share this with was my dear husband. He was driving to work at the time and was on the freeway. I told him to pull over and then I related my telephone conversation. He was as excited as I was.
The rest of the day I basked in the spirit. I didn’t want the world to come crushing in on me. I spent time marveling at the blessing this was. I recorded it in my journal. I shared it with my parents, brothers and children. After that I have only shared this experience on a few occasions.
Later on while reading the book; "Margorie Pay Hinckley - Letters", I found that she would often go on trips with President Hinckley and whenever they had a meeting with a small group of missionaries; she would talk with them and find out information on their parents. When she arrived home she would call some of the parents. I just loved the thought that Pres. Hinckley would follow up on this practice that his wife had started.
At April conference that year, President Hinckley mentioned that he had stopped in Aruba and said he had visited with the missionaries. He stated that there were two young women that were beautiful and happy.
One of those beautiful young women was our Jenni-Marie. Just think about the fact that Our Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ know our names. I know this to be true. I smile at the thought that for just a moment in time the Prophet knew my daughter’s name and mine.
This was a wonderful event in my life that I will always feel loved and blessed to have talked with the Prophet.

This was a wonderful event in my life that I will always feel loved and blessed to have talked with the Prophet.
Beautiful and Sacred! Thank you for sharing!! Melody
Thanks for commenting on my blog. This is a lovely story. When people we revere and admire take the time to reach out to us in a special way, it stays with us all our lives. Although most of us do not have the standing your prophet, the story is also a good reminder to all of us that there are people who look up to us who might appreciate an acknowledgment. I'm so pleased that you shared this.
What a beautiful and blessed experience Leann. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I can remember the first time I heard President Hinckley speak (as a convert to the church back in 1999). I was amazed at this man and all that he shared. I continue to be amazed by the leaders of our church, both past and present and the wisdom and love that they share with each of us. They may not know us by name, but I believe that they care for each and every one of us as individuals. I know that they pray for us daily and I pray for them. It is a wonderful thing. I send love and hugs your way. xxoo
Did you serve in the North Carolina Charlotte mission? That "Obedience is the price..." quote is the mission theme (or was when I was serving out there).
This is such a sweet memory. Thank you for sharing with us. I could just picture if something like that happened to our family. I don't know if I would tell the whole right after it happened either. Thats cool that you were able to put it in your journal.
What a beautiful story, LeAnn. Thanks so much for sharing it.
Ah, this is wonderful. What a unique experience, and you brought it to life so well for us. An incredible blessing. Thank you for sharing it with me.
I have never heard that story! I LOVE it and can totally picture your reaction and the look on your face!!!! what an awesome experience!
Dear LeAnn,
Thank you for sharing this special experience with us. I can just imagine how thrilled you were..and shocked. When our daughter Erin was on her sign language mission she got to interpret for Pres. Hinckley twice..... however, we never got a phone call from him. You were truly blessed. I am so happy for you and your daughter. Hugs, Lura
What a SWEET experience! President Hinckley--what an AMAZING person.
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