First I would like to acknowledge my own father on this father's day. My father, Millan F. Gledhill was born on August 16th, 1916 and he passed away on October 15th, 2001.
I would like to share a few tender thoughts about my father. My Father was a very good man. I was the youngest of three and the only daughter; so of course I was spoiled by my father. I miss him so much and have so many fond memories of him. Up until I was 6 years old my father had been inactive in the church. He drank alochol and smoked. He became very ill one day and had a spiritual experience while he was receiving a priesthood blessing. From that moment on he began to change. We were sealed as a family in the Manti Temple when I was 7 years old. As my father's testimony grew; he helped me with my own testimony in many ways. He was a wonderful example to others and especially to me. He worked hard during his life. He loved to read good books and especially the Book of Mormon.
My dearest father always had time for me. I have many memories of going with him on his Ice Cream delivery truck through several towns and then would stop overnite in Eureka, Utah. He usually took me to a Cowboy movie that night. He would always get an ice cream treat for me out of the truck a few times during the trip. He was so fun to be with. He always sang old songs while he was driving and I treasure those moments. He loved to dance and would often grab my mother or me to swing around the house. He was a really good dancer. He loved to hunt deer, duck, pheasants and he always enjoyed fishing. I grew up loving the outdoors and enjoyed catching many fish. I remember his patience in putting the worm on my hook until one day he finally encouraged me to do it myself.
My father had a strong and true testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He was active in missionary work and was able to serve with my mother on a mission to Cove Fort.
I could write a book of all the precious memories of my Dad; he was the best!
I know in my heart that my eternal companion is one of the best of fathers. I can't even tell you all of the kind and good things that he has done for our children and for me. Even his children do not know all of the moments that he has given them tender care. He has always been such a loving example of a righteous man of God. He tries very hard to do the right things. He has always supported his children in whatever they have desired to do. He has worked so hard to provide for our children a good life with many opportunities.
I know that he would do anything for any of his children if it is within his power to do so.
Whenever I had a new baby he would help me so much. I can't ever count the number of times that he has gotten up with other children during the night when I was taking care of a new baby. He also walked and rocked many of our children when they were ill. He has given all of our children frequent father's blessings through the years for school, health, or other reasons. Many of these blessings have provided a miracle in the lives of one or more of our children.
Some would say that he did a lot of lecturing when children needed guidance. I would say without hesitation that he didn't lecture; he taught and sometimes our children would listen. and sometimes they didn't.
He has always been very wise and has also had the spirit with him in working with his children. He was always been supportive of the boys in their scouting and athletics. He helped them on projects for school and scouting. He loved working in the Boy Scout programs.
He supported the girls in any of their endeavors. I remember well the day he took our three daughters to shop for school clothes. He had decided that they were not going to have the more popular styles; he was going to just get them basics. When he came home with them; out of the bags came the new styles that were in at that time. I really smiled at that one. His little girls could talk him into almost anything.Even today he has such a love for his family and cares deeply and prays diligently for all of them and their families. He testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ is firm and he has served diligently in many callings through the years; but I can say that the one he loves the most is serving as an ordiance worker in the Jordan River Temple. We both love this assignment.
He loves his 30 grandchildren and his one great granddaughter and enjoys many moments with them all. He is a very tender and kind grandfather.
Sean and Mary have 8 of our 30 grandchildren. Sean was such a happy baby and through the years we have watched him grow so much. He has always been very creative. He loved art as a small child and he was very good at it. As he became older we could tell that was what he loved to do most. He is an architect and designs beautiful homes. He can be quiet; but he has an inner strength that leads him. He worked hard in scouting and became an Eagle Scout. He served a mission to Demoin, Iowa and had many great experiences there. One quality that I love in him is that he is honest. He loves the outdoors and has been spending time with his children on camping trips. He likes to hike and fish. He is also very involved with his 5 younger sons in sports. He is coaching Joseph's baseball team this year. The following are pictures of his children.

Jed is our oldest Grandson. Jed and Jessica have our first great grand daughter, Jadyn. Jed is an awesome young man and we are so proud of how he takes care of his sweet wife and precious little grand daughter. We have always enjoyed being around Jed. He is quiet and respectful. He came up to Spokane when he was a teenager and stayed for a week and we enjoyed every moment with him. I have been watching him nurture his new little daughter and I must say he is such a good father already and we are very pleased with him. He installs sound systems and we had a problem with ours and within minutes he had it fixed. We always enjoy being around them; they are such a cute young couple and now the added blessing of a sweet little grand daughter to bless our lives.
Here's a second view of our newest -
Travis is our 2nd son. Travis and Amanda have 6 of our grandchildren. Travis spiced up our lives. With Travis there is never a dull moment. As a child he always had something adventurous to do. He really had few fears. He was the one who found a snake in a vacant lot where there wasn't suppose to be any snake. He has a very quick wit and it probably saved his life many times. If he got into trouble he would say something really funny and you couldn't help but laugh. I really wouldn't like to count the number of times he was grounded. He also has a very deep spiritual side to him; that comes out more often as the years roll on. He was an Eagle Scout and served a mission in the Washington DC North Mission.
He is a captain in Madison County Sheriff department in Rexburg, Idaho. He loves his job. He has become an expert on guns. He too loves to camp, hunt and fish. He is presently writing a book about one of his cases. I have read most of it and he is doing an excellent job on this project.
His children are energetic and have very creative personalities. He is a very hands on Father and does many activities with his lively crew. The following are pictures of his children. At least two of his sons are just like him; which is going to be interesting.
James is our third son and he was such a gift to us. We had wanted another baby for 3 years and were so blessed to have him. James is what the family called our walking encyclopedia. From a very young age he always was learning something new. If you wanted to find out something you could just ask him. He loves to learn and he as an remarkable memory. He also was an Eagle Scout and served a mission in Costa Rica. James and Amber have 3 adorable children and his son Christian is so much like him. He loves the gospel and serves well in whatever he is assigned. He followed after his father as a pharmacist and is the Pharmacy Director of the Idaho Regional Hospital. He has been called a walking Pharmacopoeia. He loves to play soccer, hunt and fish. He loves helping his children. I admire James and Amber so much because they bravely and with great testimony and faith had to deal with the illness of their youngest daughter Averi; who had a very rare bone marrow disease called Osteopetrosis. She is almost blind but can see well enough to walk around objects. James is solid and true to his testimony.
Here are pictures of his children -
The following are my sons because they married our daughters.
The first time we met Brandon he had brought our daughter Christina home to visit us from Ricks College. He drove her car and then got in a wreck just as they were coming home. He was devastated. We love Brandon so much he is a true straight arrow. They have 5 of our grandchildren. They had another little one that was a still birth; so he makes six. Brandon is District Manager Accountant for a large construction company. They have moved frequently through the years and have enjoyed many opportunities in the church. He served as a Bishop in Corpus Christi, Texas. Brandon is a wonderful father to his 4 girls and youngest little boy. He is always a good sport even when his girls want him to dress as a king for one of their plays. Brandon is very involved with his family and is a great husband to our daughter.
Here's another picture of this awesome family -
Michael is married to our second daughter Jenni-marie. Michael and Jenni came for a visit to Spokane so we could meet Michael. At the time he was actually coming to talk with us about the two of them getting married. Michael was a go from the start. We loved him right off and knew they were a great match. Michael and Jenni have 3 of our grandchildren. He was an Eagle Scout and served his mission in Arizona. They presently live in Vermilion, South Dakota where he is working on his PhD in Psychology. He is the one I go to for all of my mixed up moments. We enjoy him a lot. He is such a good father and is always playing and teasing with his girls and loves his youngest little man so much. He has a strong testimony of the gospel and is always helping others. They lived with us for a short time and he actually built our family room downstairs and it was his first project and he did such a good job. Thanks, again Michael.
Here are pictures of his family --
Dave is married to our youngest daughter Tiffani. I was introduced to Dave a few months before they met. At a Stake Conference, Dave looked at Tiffani and Tiffani connect her eyes to Dave and I turned to Roger and said if this is a go; it will go fast. They met officially the next night at a young single adult activity and they were engaged 8 days later and married 7 weeks later. We just knew that Dave was the right one and they are a very devoted couple. Dave is also an Eagle Scout and served his mission in Chilli. He is a very fun loving man and a great father. He works as an Appraiser for a Commercial Real Estate business in Spokane. He is a great tease and has always got some one giggling and laughing. He has a delightful personality and we always have fun when he is around.
He loves the gospel and serves faithfully in whatever he is assigned. He is always busy with one of his children doing some kind of activity. He loves camping, hunting, fishing and soccer. We always have fun when Dave is around.
Here's another picture of their children --
All of you awesome fathers have a great day!
Love you much! Dad and Mom
Hi LeAnn,
What a nice tribute you your sweet father and wonderful sons, and son's-in-law! Aren't we so blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives?! Tell Roger, "Happy Father's Day"!
Love you,
Oh Leann I loved this so much. I loved reading all about the good men in your life, your own father, your dear husband, your lovely sons, son in laws, grandsons and about your girls and grandchildren too. You have such a beautiful family. You are so very blessed, but then . . . you already know that!! xxoo
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