Saturday, May 8, 2021

A Day To Celebrate Mothers ~

 Mother's Day, to me, is touched with emotion. It is a day to celebrate, but I didn't always feel that way for many years. I was hard on myself, thinking that I had to be the perfect mother, and in trying to do so, I felt I failed. As I had children, I felt like the mother who doesn't want to let their child out of sight. I was there, desiring to help them through every step of navigating the different stages of life. I found out soon that with 6 children, I couldn't keep up with the expectation all the time. My children had the agency to make choices, and it was my responsibility to teach them and then pray and hope that when they were on their own, they would make those right choices. As you probably know, children don't always do that. They push the boundaries and want to do it themselves. If they didn't do it right, then, of course, I took it personally. I wasn't the mother I thought I should be. Therefore for many years, receiving those flowers in church on Mother's Day was sometimes difficult.  
Slowly, as the years have gone by, I have found peace in knowing that I loved my children with all my heart and that I did try to be the best Mom I could be. I wasn't perfect, and I haven't raised perfect children either. I feel that my husband and I have raised some remarkable children trying hard to stay on the covenant path; that brings peace to my soul. 
As my understanding of the love our Heavenly Father has for each of us and how the Savior through His atonement provides the way for us all to return to them through his mercy and grace, we can keep trying and overcoming and being better than we think we can. We can seek forgiveness for those rare moments when maybe we didn't handle the situation right.  
Some motherhood thoughts of wisdom learned: 
I think it is important to understand that we have Heavenly Parents. As spirit children, I feel that we spent a great deal of time learning from our Heavenly Parents about our turn on earth in the Pre-mortal life.  Perhaps in this existence, we spent a lot of time sitting at the feet of our Heavenly Mother. I feel that we also walked, talked, and were loved by our Elder Brother Jesus Christ. We were taught well. 
As we each have come down to this earth, we pass through a veil into our mortal life. We can't remember what that spirit life was like. We came to gain a body and then be tested to see if we would do all things we had learned about before that we now can't remember. Earth life is a giant adventure in learning. All of us are in different stages of learning. Knowing about that perfect plan of our Heavenly Father is very important to find out. This plan is perfect and can tell us how to return to the presence of our Heavenly Parents and Savior, Jesus Christ. This plan is called the Plan of Salvation or the Plan of Happiness. You can read more about his plan here!
When I was a young mother, I read many books on how to raise children. I felt like there wasn't a perfect manual for raising children. I then gained a testimony of "The Book of Mormon." I now know it is the prime child-rearing book. If you study the pages and learn the stories, they are there to teach you how to work with your children. It is amazing all the questions that can be answered within the pages. This precious book starts with a rather imperfect family where great lessons are learned.  There are great Bible stories to help you teach principles too. 
Being able to keel in prayer to your Heavenly Father is key to learning how to be a good Mom. Learn to kneel often, especially when frustrated, impatient, worried, concerned, and for answers to questions, you may have. When you feel like this, kneel and pray.  I promise you will feel a spirit of peace come over you, and thoughts will come into your mind on how to handle a difficult situation. Utilize prayer as the key to the spirit helping you with your parenting.  
One important way to succeed in having a good parent relationship with your spouse to help one parent. This means supporting the decisions made by each of you. How I love the strength my husband was as a father and support to me as a mother. 
Finally, never give up on yourself. Always remember that being a mother allows you to learn and become more Christ-like yourself. It doesn't happen overnight. Be patient with yourself in your mothering. 
Finally, you will never stop being a parent and having those feelings of frustration in raising your children. Even now, as a parent of adult children who is raising their own, you have the blessing of watching them learn and grow through the experiences of parenthood. Now you must exercise great patience in letting them make their own mistakes unless they ask for help. 
So tomorrow, wherever you might be with family or not, enjoy your day knowing that you did or are doing the best you can. Get rid of the negative feelings because we are here for the very purpose of learning how to love and care for one another. This all takes patients, trust, faith, learning, and time. Our Heavenly Parents and even our earthly parents are here or near for the very purpose of helping us find the way back to them.
Always remember, "You Are Enough."


Debbie said...

oooooh leann, you were a "helicopter" mom, that's what my oldest son calls me. he criticizes me all the time for being that way. for always being around and never letting them out of my sight!!

i always told my children they were not born with a manual like you said. we were young and i think we were amazing moms!! now today, i am home alone...

have a wonderful mothers day!!

Marsha said...

Thank you for your beautiful words of wisdom and your thoughts. Happy Mother's Day!