Saturday, March 28, 2020

A Message Of Hope and An Invitation To Fast and Pray For the World -

We are all experiencing difficult times right now with this Pandemic. I have a great love for humanity and as this continues on, I am amazed at the many who are caring, giving, and loving their neighbors as we should. Being a nurse by profession, I know how hard and dangerous it is to be on the front lines in this fight against this plague of our day, the Corvid-19. 
One thing I do know is that we have a loving Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ that love us and as we reach for them, there is hope. 
Our living Prophet today is President Russell M. Nelson. He is the Prophet to the world and here is a beautiful message of hope from him. Millions have listened to this and they have found hope in his words. I pray you will listen too. 

Our beloved Prophet was a world renowned Cardiovascular Surgeon. He then became one of the twelve Apostles in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He has an amazing life story. I know he is a true prophet that receives revelation from our redeemer, Jesus Christ. He is 95 years old and has not slowed down at all. In fact, the last couple of years, he has traveled the world to visit the members of our church. This is a worldwide church with there are members throughout the world. 
Here is an invitation to us all to Fast and Pray for relief from this devastating virus that is flooding the earth. Join us in fasting and prayer this Sunday, March 29th. 

Next weekend on April 4th & 5th is our semiannual General Conference. It can be viewed in many different ways. Here is the link to the YouTube channel it will be on.
We were told by our Prophet in last October Conference that this one would be a historic conference to remember. He asked us to prepare for this conference by studying about the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints though  articles, podcasts and videos. During these two days we will receive messages of hope and council from our Prophet, 12 Apostles and other leaders. 
All are invited to tune into this great conference. 
If interested in understanding the Restoration of the Church here is another wonderful video. 

May you all know you are in my prayers. Not just my family and friends, but all of you that live in this wonderful world. Enjoy and find hope!!


Christy Monson said...

So excited for Conference. It was wonderful to have Sacrament meeting in our home and pray for the world. It doesn't get any better than that. What a time we are living in!

Tracy said...

Hi, LeAnn! Hoping and praying all is well with you & yours there... that you be keeping safe and well! This Lent has been a strange time, and just a very extraordinary time in the world. With churches, and so many other places, closed, we are enjoying services and much more streamed online. Thank goodness for the internet! Love You, Sister LeAnn! God Bless you & yours ((BIG HUGS))

Debbie said...

your words are beautiful leann!! we have lived through so many historic times, we are a resilient country and we will come through this stronger than ever.

i do not follow the traditions of is nice to have the internet to follow these conferences that mean so much to you!!!