I had a great time attending a Christmas High School Luncheon with my friends below. Many of them I have been friends with for over 55 years. We have such a good time together.
On December 3rd, our Brazilian Daughter and Granddaughter came from Brazil for a visit. Adriana was a foreign exchange that lived with us for a year. She has been back twice for a visit. The last time was about 20 years ago. We hadn't met her sweet daughter Gabi. We claim them as a daughter and granddaughter, and they call us Dad and Mom and Grandpa and Grandma. We had such a delightful time with them.
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Since Adriana and Gabi were here, we had our family Christmas party with our 4 local families. We had it in at the church. We decorated a little and had a nice dinner followed by a Christmas Program. We have always had a traditional Nativity activity. This year we had three of our Grandchildren, Joshua, Emma and Benjamin participate along with our Great Grandchildren; Jadyn, Lilly, Myah, Sagan, and Katalina. It was such an endearing moment. There was a total of 25 that came.
We took Adriana and Gabi down to City Creek Shopping Center and Temple Square in Salt Lake City for an afternoon and evening before they left to fly back. We did some shopping, had dinner with them and then enjoyed the lights at Temple Square. It was a great night and not crowded, so we were able to really take in the sights.
Temple Square is beautiful at Christmas Time. The entire square is lit up with lights, and their Nativity is presentation is spectacular.
Next was our Church Congregation (Ward) Christmas breakfast and program. It was lovely. The primary children sang for us, and we all joined in singing favorite Christmas hymns.
Here are my adorable Grandchildren, Benjamin, and Emma enjoying some moments with Santa!
We went with our Daughter, Jenni, Michael, and the children through a Christmas Light show. The lights all reacted to music as we drove through this event.
On Saturday the 22nd of December we went up to Heber to visit two of our families and deliver Christmas gifts. We enjoyed being with Sean, Mary, and our Grandchildren, Gillian, Jackson, Jeffery, Joshua, and our great-granddaughter, Jadyn. We missed seeing Joseph and Jonathan. They were working. We also saw our Grandchildren, Jed, Jessica, and two more Great Granddaughters, Myah and Lilly. We loved having a few seconds with them all.
I added the picture of their reptile enjoying his own hammock.
We also dropped off some gifts to our Grandson, Jacob, Dana, and their children Sagan and Katalina. Jacob was busy doing a job, so we didn't get to see him.
Sunday, December 23rd was a special Sabbath day for us. We attended church with our family and enjoyed a fantastic Christmas program. The messages were lovely and the music superb.
We also celebrated our Granddaughter, Emma's 12th birthday. She was born on our daughter, Christina's birthday day too. We love having these two Christmas gifts. It was fun celebrating with this dearest Granddaughter. She is always a treat to be around. Her Grandma Thomas joined us too. I later had a lovely conversation with my sweet Christina per phone for her birthday.
I really enjoyed watching my daughter and her two children making a Gingerbread house. I hope they will make this a tradition. I wish as a young mother, I would have done it. They had so much fun putting it together.
Here are a few peaceful moments before we started our Christmas Eve Celebration.
We had a lovely dinner and then another short Christmas program of songs, and two delightful Christmas stories. Then my Grandchildren performed two piano Christmas pieces for us all. It was so fun. I have been teaching them basic piano, and they did such an excellent job for their numbers.
Afterward, it was the traditional opening of a gift of PJ's. We, of course, had to have a photo moment for this one.
Christmas morning arrived, and we enjoyed Santa, Socks, and breakfast. After which gifts were opened. It was a fun morning to enjoy.
I thought I would share with you the wonderful gifts that my dearest eternal companion gave me for Christmas. He has always been the kindest, most generous, and thoughtful man, I know. He is really good at surprises and always comes up with something extraordinary. This year it was one of the best ever. While in Rexburg, Idaho last month we visited a Deseret Book. I saw the picture below of the Savior. It is a new one my Greg Olsen. I became very emotional about this painting. It is such a lovely one of my Savior, Jesus Christ, whom I love with all my heart. I love this painting because it reminds me of the scriptures of how He loves all of his creations even the tiny sparrows. I also like the smile on His face.
The best was yet to come when I opened the gift of the locket. The top two photos are a photo of a pendant that has been handed down from my Grandfather who was killed in the 1st World War in France in 1918. It is 100 years old. In this locket is a photo of my Grandmother who had died 13 months before my Grandfather was killed and a picture of my Grandfather.
My parents both have passed away. My dear husband gave me the locket pictured on the bottom with my initial on it and then inside is a photo fo my Dad and my Mom and me. He also wrote a beautiful poem just for me. There were many tears of joy shed at this time. It was a marvelous Christmas moment.

Our daughter's family left to enjoy a Christmas dinner with Michael's family. We then had two sister missionaries join us for Dinner. It is Sister Duncan and Sister Cox. We had a great time with them. 18 months ago they were companions in the MTC (Mission Training Center). They have been serving together for their last 6-week transfer. They were scheduled to go home on December 27th.
We served with Sister Cox when we were serving our MLS mission. Sister Cox is from California, and Sister Duncan is from Arizona. They were both apprehensive and excited to return home. It's hard for us all to take off those Missionary badges because of all the beautiful experiences that you have when serving a mission for the Lord.
Roger and I were able to go and see my dearest Aunt Alene. She was staying with her daughter, and we went up and spent a while with her. She turned 98 years old on December 11th. We always enjoy our moments with her. She is the best Aunt ever and very sharp. She still had a story or two to share. I love her so much!
Happy New Year To You All!
I pray for you and your family's happiness and well-being.
May you all have a fantastic year ahead.
“With every new day, new dawn comes—not only for the earth but also for us. And with a new day comes a new start—a chance to begin again. Now is the best time to start becoming the person we eventually want to be.”
– Dieter F. Uchtdorf
May you know how much I am grateful for each of you that follow my blog posts and for all those that I follow too. You brighten my days with your thoughts, and I look forward to more moments of nurturing our friendships.
I will be taking a blog break for January. I will be back with my New Year thoughts @ Living Waters in February.