Our beloved Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson passed away peacefully on January 2nd, 2018. President Monson was the Prophet to the world not just The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As the President of our church, he led our 15,882,417 plus membership.
We believe he was a Prophet, Seer, and Revelator. In our church, we have a First Presidency and 12 Apostles. Our leadership is formed exactly like the Savior's 12 Apostles. You can read of the chosen twelve after Christ Ascension here. Peter, James, and John and the other Apostles led the early day church; they were Prophet, Seers, and Revelators for that day. More information can be found about them here.
In The Book of Mormon, you can read of the Savior, Jesus Christ's appearance after His resurrection to the people here in America's. While here He chose 12 Disciples to lead the church after He ascended to Heaven again. You can read in 3 Nephi about this time in history.
Our Prophet will be laid to rest this Friday and a short time after that; there will be a new Prophet chosen from among the Apostles. You can read about the keys of the kingdom here.
Today I wanted to share a few thoughts about our dear Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson.He was all about service, and he will always be remembered as a Prophet who served the one.
His love was boundless and unconditional. He loved all of Heavenly Father's children profoundly and was an example of the pure love of Christ.
The progress of the Church went forward under his revelatory leadership. President Monson will be missed very much.
In 2010, a marvelous Autobiography by Heidi S. Swinton was published. It was entitled "To The Rescue." Here are the closing thoughts on this book.
"What will the legacy of President Thomas S. Monson be? Observers have a tendency to set the starting point at the beginning of a man's presidency of the Church. But his legacy goes all the way back to when he began following the Spirit and heeding promptings when he began reaching out with the power of the Spirit, one-on-one, to anyone and everyone, especially the forgotten. His legacy will be Christlike living."
As the sixteenth President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Thomas S. Monson has testified far and wide. His message has been clear from the beginning: "Our Savior Jesus Christ is at the head of this Church, which bears His name. I know that the sweetest experience in all this life is to feel His promptings as a young Bishop, guided to the homes where there was spiritual -or perhaps temporal-want. I felt them again as a mission president in Toronto, Canada, working with wonderful missionaries who were a living witness and testimony to the world that this work is divine and that we are led by a prophet. I have felt them throughout my service in the Twelve and in the First Presidency and now as President of the Church. I testify that each one of us can feel the Lord's inspiration as we live worthily and strive to serve Him.
Saying a final goodbye is hard We have all of his messages through the years to enjoy. We will as a church look forward to our new Prophet, Seer, and Revelator and President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You can read about the succession in the church of a new Prophet and President here.

Here is the link to the funeral arrangement and watching the services for this loving Prophet of ours.
All photographs are from The Deseret News.
Hi LeAnn~
Oh my goodness, we loved President Monson...he will be missed. I'm so grateful that as a church, we were able to be taught, prayed for cared for and loved by this sweet man. I can only imagine the happiness when he crossed the veil...actually, I can't imagine, I'm sure it is something that is way beyond comprehension!
President Monson was my grandparents Mission President when they were on a building mission in Calgary, Canada. They loved him so much and I'm sure were cheering when they were able to see him again!
I hope you and Roger are doing better, I've heard that flu bug is a bad one! Take care sweet little sister!! Love you tons!!
Wonderful tribute to a great man!
What a beautiful post and testimony to our beloved President Monson. We have the book about him and we also have the film. We will sorely miss him, but are happy that he has been reunited with his beloved wife. It was so clear that he missed her very much. I am so grateful for the leadership of the church and how they take care of us. I pray for them every day. Love all that you share dear friend. xoxo
What a sweet post. Thanks for sharing this. We did love him so. He tired so hard to keep going towards then end. The Spirit was so willing, but the body was weak. I'm so happy he's with Francis. Lots and lots of love, Christy
My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours, LeAnn, and all you church community as you mourn the loss of such leader who showed great love and gave a powerful example of Christ-like living and being--very, very special... ((LOVE & HUGS))
such a sweet and thoughtful tribute. i am sure he touched many lives and will be missed!!
you have a wonderful memory!!
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