On Tuesday, January 17th, 2018, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints announced a new prophet, President Russell M. Nelson. On the Sunday following President Thomas S. Monson's funeral, the Apostles met in the Salt Lake Temple to reorganize the 1st Presidency. The changes were then announced on the 17th. You can read about the news conference here.
Here is a short biography of President Russell M. Nelson as found in an article on the Mormon News Room.
An internationally renowned surgeon and medical researcher, Dr. Nelson received his B.A. and M.D. degrees from the University of Utah (1945, 47). Honorary scholastic societies include Phi Beta Kappa and Alpha Omega Alpha. He served his residency in surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston and at the University of Minnesota, where he was awarded his Ph.D. Degree in 1954. He also received honorary degrees of Doctor of Science from Brigham Young University in 1970, Doctor of Medical Science from Utah State University in 1989, and Doctor of Humane Letters from Snow College in 1994.
His professional work included the positions of research professor of surgery and director of the Thoracic Surgery Residency at the University of Utah and chairman of the Division of Thoracic Surgery at LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City.
Author of numerous publications and chapters in medical textbooks, President Nelson, lectured and visited professionally throughout the United States and in many other nations prior to his call as a General Authority. A host of awards and honors have come to him, including the Distinguished Alumni Award, University of Utah; the Heart of Gold Award from the American Heart Association; a citation for International Service from the American Heart Association; and the Golden Plate Award, presented by the American Academy of Achievement. He has been awarded honorary professorships from three universities in the People’s Republic of China.
Dr. Nelson has served as president of the Society for Vascular Surgery, a director of the American Board of Thoracic Surgery, chairman of the Council on Cardiovascular Surgery for the American Heart Association, and president of the Utah State Medical Association.
He is listed in Who’s Who in the World, Who’s Who in America, and Who’s Who in Religion.
President Nelson has held numerous positions of responsibility in the Church. He served as stake president of the Bonneville Stake from 1964 to June 1971, when he was called as general president of the Sunday School. Prior to his call to the Quorum of the Twelve, he was serving as a Regional Representative assigned to the Kearns Utah Region. He had previously served as Regional Representative for Brigham Young University.
Born September 9, 1924, President Nelson is the son of Marion C. and Edna Anderson Nelson. He and his wife, the former Dantzel White, have ten children. Sister Nelson passed away in February 2005. In April 2006, he married Wendy L. Watson.
Here are a few photos of this beloved man having fun with family and other activities. Here is a beautiful article on his life.
Here is a photo of President Nelson and his first wife, Dantzel White Nelson and here is President Nelson with a great-granddaughter and his 2nd wife, Wendy Watson Nelson.
Below is a photo of his posterity on the day the announcement was made.
President Nelson has 10 children, 57 Grandchildren, and 116 Great Grandchildren.
all photos as found on lds.org and mormon newsroom~
all photos as found on lds.org and mormon newsroom~
Here are two short memories that I had of President Nelson when he was renowned Heart Surgeon. I was taking an Intensive Care and had rotations in the Heart ICU at LDS Hospital. I was able to meet him and also observe him with his patients. He was a very dedicated physician and wanted the very best care for his patients. He would often spend several minutes talking with the patient and their families. I found him to be very caring.
Later on, when I was working in a medical Surgical ICU, an announcement was sent to our ICU. Dr. Nelson and his wife Dantzel had just had a baby boy. He was number 10. He was the only boy. The announcement had a photo of the baby, and it was surrounded by pictures of his 9 sisters. It was just so adorable and made a lasting impression on me.
Since President Nelson was ordained an Apostles I have enjoyed his many messages; here is one of my favorites entitled: "Celestial Marriage."
Here is the first verse of the Hymn: "We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet"