Wow, this month has flown by so fast that it has left me reeling. We only have 3 1/2 weeks left on our 2 year mission. It has been a huge blessing in our lives. We have learned so much. We have been privileged to meet, teach and work with some wonderful individuals and families. We are feeling sad that we won't have as much contact with them. However, we will still be able to visit them occasionally since we all live in the same stake.
We have also enjoyed our relationship with the other MLS Senior missionaries and younger missionaries. We will probably not see many of them except at Mission reunions.
We started off the month of August at our monthly Multi-District meeting. Here we all are! I think we have an awesome mixture of young and old serving our Savior, Jesus Christ.
We received permission to drive to Idaho for a family event. There were some fires burning and the road became very hazy with smoke. The moon was a light red color. The photo didn't pick up the darker shade, but it was unique.
Our Grandson, Ryley was receiving the Aaronic Priesthood and being ordained to the office of Deacon in our church. My sweet husband, his Grandfather did the ordination. Ryley was so happy to receive the priesthood. It was a wonderful time to be with him.
We were able to be with both of our sons families for a get together. We were with our second son Travis and Amanda and their 8 children and then with James and Amber and their 3 children. What a blessing all these children and grandchildren are in our lives. It was such an enjoyable time.
The next week we traveled up to our oldest son Sean's church. Our Grandson, Jonathan was being advanced in the Aaronic Priesthood to the office of a Priest. This is a very important moment for the 16 year old young men. The Priests bless the Sacrament which is a very sacred ordinance in our faith. Regretfully, I didn't get photos, so I am posting pictures of Jonathan and his family that were taken this summer. We love this family of ours. Sean and Mary have some awesome young men. They are also the parents of our two oldest grandsons who are married and our oldest Granddaughter.

We have District meetings weekly except for when we have our Multi-District meeting. Here are some photos of just one of our District meetings. We took the group photo because this next week is transfer week and we will probably have some changes. We are hoping that our Sister will not be transferred.

A new MLS senior couple; Elder and Sister Park started their mission in our Stake. They are like us and live in our Stake boundaries. It is called a stay at home mission. We had our Weekly Planning meeting with them and the sisters; Sister Cox and Sister Casinas. They are taking over three of the wards in our Stake so we will just have 6 wards to work in for another three weeks.
Guess What?? Our precious sisters were transferred out. Both of them went to new assignments. This is called Pink Wash. Two Elders will replace them. These two young men will be coming in and not know the area or the people the Sisters have been teaching. Luckily, the sisters gave us all the information at our weekly meeting so we will be helping the Elders learn their new area As you can see Sister Casinas and Sister Cox do not want to leave each other. They have been very hardworking and dedicated Sisters. We are so proud of the work they have been doing.
Sister Shaw came by to say good by to them. Sister Park and I helped to take them to their new areas. In the bottom two photos Sister Cox's new companion is Sister Pinkham; another sweet sister that we served with. It was fun to see her again.
Our endearing Sister Casinas has collected a lot of belongings since being on her mission for 17 months. This is her last transfer. She will be going back to the Philippines the first of October. Our cute Sister Cox has only been in the mission field for 6 weeks, so she hasn't started collecting yet. What marvelous and fun missionaries they have both been.
saying good by was hard.
It's been another month of marvelous missionary moments and precious family times.
Time goes so fast. I'm sure you have loved your mission. It seems like you just started. Know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Lots of love, Christy
Hi LeAnn!
Loved the photos of your mission and of your amazing family!! I can hardly believe that these kids are growing up! It won'd be long before Amber and Amanda are grandparents! We have amazing family!
I love, President Monson. When my grandparents served a mission in Canada, he was their Mission President, my grandmother just loved him!! Thank you for sharing the photos of him, I had not seen them!
Thinking of you this Labor Day - we are making ribs, and the kids are coming over, sure do wish you were here with us.... :0)
Have a great day!
Hugs and Love,
A busy moth for sure....I am amazed at how large your children's families are!!
Fun times and beautiful family photos!!
I love that you are allowed so much time to visit your family while being a missionary.
I also really hope my daughter sticks to her two suitcases and one carry on while a missionary. That is a lot of extra stuff.
Hi, LeAnn! So good to be able to catch up with you! :) Your red moon pictures is amazing... how sad about that fires, though. How sweet the priesthood of your grandson, and that your husband did the ordination--that makes it more special! And your Jonathan receiving special spiritual advancement too... sooo beautiful. Just love seeing all the photos of your BIG family. "Stay at home mission"...I like the sounds of that. Home is often where there is great need. Oh, so sad your Sisters leaving. It must be so hard, all the leave-taking... What a beautiful view from the Oquirrh Mountain Temple! Hoping and praying your last weeks of Mission will be blessed moments... With Love, In Christ ((HUGS)) seems like just yesterday that I was sitting at my computer reading about the excitement of your mission call. Wow, where did that time go. I know for you, it was such a spiritual, rewarding time...a time that will bless your family for ever.
Take Care - Marsha
Can't believe your mission is nearly over. I can tell you've had a wonderful experience. You two are remarkable in serving the Lord, and your family is going to be thrilled to have you back full-time for a bit.
Hugs and enjoy!
What a stuff of un-ambiguity and preserveness of precious know-how regarding unexpected emotions.
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