During my upbringing, I witnessed many acts of service by my parents. I have grown up with the attitude that service is a key principle in my faith. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints progresses forward due to it's members serving in various positions of service without compensation.
we are raised to be aware of those around us that need assistance in some way. We not only serve within our church but are encouraged to give service in our communities.
I have had countless opportunities to serve others and through those moments I have learned so many lessons. I have learned to love my brothers and sisters more fully. I have learned empathy and patience. In return for those hours and days of serving others I have received in return not only blessings but many miracles. Mostly, I have felt rich moments of pure joy.
I will share a couple of memorable thoughts on service. In The Book of Mormon; Mosiah 2:17 it states: "And, Behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God."
Through the years I have learned this wisdom. I have had many occasions to serve others. Sometimes those moments of service were not always convenient. However, when you complete these times of service, a feeling of joy comes into your heart. You will feel deep gratitude that you were able to help another individual.

There are numberless ways to serve one another. Within our neighborhoods, communities, work, and just within our own homes there are always someone in need. Some of this service may not be in giving time, providing meals, material needs, and etc. but perhaps just a listening ear, a moment of kindness.
I have also been the recipient of service. I have wept over those times when others have served me in some way. Often prideful thoughts come and we say to ourselves we can do this alone. We have a difficult time accepting service or asking for it. Years ago, I fit into that category. We were moving from Las Vegas, Nevada to Spokane, Washington when I had a circumstance where I needed help. My husband had been transferred to Spokane to be the Director of a new mail order pharmacy. On the Sunday before we were to move out of our home, my dearest husband had a heart attack. The moving van was coming on Wednesday of that next week. He was only 45 years old at that time. He had an angioplasty procedure at the hospital and was released to travel a few days later. Instead of the week long trip that we had planned with 4 of our children; we ended up flying directly to Spokane. Our furniture was not arriving for a few more days; so we were staying in a hotel. The first night there my husband started to have some lung discomfort and a temperature. We didn't have a physician so I made some calls and found a good Heart Specialist. I took him to the Emergency Room and the physician wanted to admit him into the hospital. My husband was in the hospital for 4 days with Dresslers Syndrome, a complication from the Heart attack. Meanwhile, our furniture arrived and I didn't know what to do other than I knew I had to have help. I finally called the Bishop of the ward we were moving into. Not only did the Bishopric arrive quickly to see about our needs but the President of the Relief Society (the women's organization of our faith) came baring a gift of a delicious homemade pie. She then made arrangements for some meals to be brought in over the next few days. One of the counselors in the Bishopric came back to help us set up a water bed so that my husband would have a bed to be in when he was released from the hospital. Also, my husband was given a priesthood blessing that calmed us all. Through this whole experience our children were taught about true Christian service. I felt peace at this time knowing we had people around us who cared. I knew that Heavenly Father was aware and sent these earthly angels to us.

" When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." This is the moment in time that you will feel wonderful feelings of happiness.
On a daily basis my dear missionary companion and I experience sweet miracles in our work. We have the opportunity to invite others to come unto Christ and learn of Him. As we learn of Christ, we learn of His many acts of service. We find great joy in our work of missionary service.
the only thing better than being a nurse - is being a mom!! your dedication to service is outlined beautifully here!!!
Hi, LeAnn...It's good to catch up with you! Sorry to be away so many days... we had a lovely staycation, and we we've been having such good weather we were outdoors most of the time. Gotta grab summer while we can! ;) This was HUGELY inspiring!! God bless each of us with gifts, that we are to use for Him and other... and there are so many ways to can discover and use those gifts. I suppose I see service as basically being an instrument of God's love, and bringing Jesus to other, even in small ways. Sometimes in the busy of every day, we easily forget the small ways of service and how pleasing it is to God to just make a cup of tea to give to someone or do the laundry. God is in the details. ;) Thank you sooo much for this big dose of inspiration! I needed this as we head back into "normal" post-vacation! God bless you & yours, my friend... ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))
Thanks for such a lovely post. I agree that service is a cure for much that ails both the giver and the receiver.
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