Happy Birthday to my marvelous husband, Roger (aka. Elder Williams)
It's time to celebrate your birthday. I have written about my feeling for you a few times before. You are really the best husband ever, or at least for me, you are. I thought today that I would share briefly some things about you that most people don't know.
Besides, being thoughtful, serving, kind, loving and the list goes on; my man has a wonderful personality. He is extremely funny and most people just see him as rather serious. He has a great sense of humor. Even his children don't really know how funny he can be. I think he could do a great comedy sketch. He has had me in stitches more than once when telling me of some experience he has has.
He is very sensitive to the spirit even more than I most of the time. Tears flow easily when he is spiritually touched; I love that attribute. He loves His Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ and desires to be a good servant unto them.He has a strong testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is a wonderful missionary and I love being his companion. We have learned so much together.Our testimonies have grown even stronger in the past several months that we have served as full time Missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We have experienced many miracles in the work we are doing. It has been amazing.
He loves His family and would do whatever he can to assist them. He has given countless priesthood blessings to all of us and we have witnessed many miracles through those blessings.
I love you more than I can ever express in words and I am so grateful that we are sealed together for eternity and our greatest desire is to be a forever family and return someday again to our Heavenly Parents.
Happy Birthday To You my Darling Husband, Roger~

My Children all wrote Birthday Messages to their Father and if you would like you can read them here.
This all of our Children and their spouses which are our children too ~
Our Eternal Family~
Happy Birthday Dearest Husband of Mine~
You just wrote and confirmed the first impressions my husband had of your husband. When I first started following your blog and I showed my husband the picture of you and your husband, he said, "he looks like Stake President material".
Happy Birthday, Roger!
That is SOOOOO sweet, LeAnn! You and your husband are so blessed to have each other. Birthday greetings from me, too!
So happy for both of you. What a wonderful tribute. Lots of love to you both.
Happy Birthday, Roger!
this is just too sweet!! together forever - i really love a man who can cry!!
he's handsome leann, and that's a beautiful picture of the two of you!!
i visited the other blog, to read the messages from the kids. it would not allow me to leave the following message:
you should print and frame this leann - wow, so sweet, thoughtful and loving!!!
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