When I think about the word Father it has great meaning to me. First of all I know that I have a loving Heavenly Father who loves all of His children. I know that I can communicate with Him through prayer anytime and anyplace. I know that He answers our prayers and that He alone knows us and knows what is best for us.
I love the following quote: "Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar His face is to us." - Ezra Taft Benson.
I miss my own Father so much! He was such a kind and gentle man. I have a deep love for him and I always felt his sweet love for me, He is my Daddy and will be forever. He was always doing extra special things for me. I was his youngest and only daughter. I have so many wonderful memories of him. We were very close and I felt like I could always talk with him and tell him anything. He gave great advice through the years. He supported me in all of my activities. He was always there for me.
He loved to dance. One of my favorite memories is dancing with him. He would often put music on and take turns dancing with my mother and I. Just a few months before he passed a way we had our last dance inside the activity room of the nursing home he was in. He was in there due to Alzheimer disease. The recreation leader put the music on and then he danced with my mom and then with me. It was a wonderful time when he did know us for those brief moments. it was such an endearing experience.
My Eternal companion is the best of Father's. This man has always been an equal partner in caring for our children. He would often help me in the middle of the night with one of our newborns or one of our other children that were up. He walked the floors many times with ill children.
He is amazing at counseling with our sons and daughters and they often come to him for advice. He has always been supportive of their activities. He assisted with many school and scouting projects. I have so many fond memories of him planning and working hard to provide for extra special things for our family. He worked very hard through the years to provide for our family.
He has always been a great example of a priesthood leader in our home. He has given countless priesthood blessings to his children through the years. I feel so blessed to be his wife and the mother of his children. We are a forever family.
From these wonderful Fathers, we have 32 Grandchildren and 4 Great Grandchildren. We are grateful for each of these very good men. We have observed that they are great Father's and are trying hard to raise their children to be good citizens and to follow our Savior, Jesus Christ. We are so proud of each of them. They all have unique qualities that make them the special men that they are. They are very fun loving Dads. We love them very much. Happy Fathers Day To Each of You!
So grateful for all the Priesthood holders that love us -- including Heavenly Father. What a blessing to all our lives.
A nice tribute to all fathers.
this is so beautiful leann, very thoughtful!! my father was not a kind man, my husband showed me who and what a father should be, i never knew. you are very lucky leann, to have so many wonderful men and fathers in your life. i hope you had a nice day!!!
You have definitely had some wonderful men in your life, and you deserve each one!
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