Tuesday, November 25, 2014
A Grateful Heart Is A Happy Heart~Thanksgiving Blessings For All!
I do believe that a grateful heart is a happy heart. I have so much to be thankful for. The picture above shows only a few of my many blessings. I live in a comfortable home, I have a wonderful eternal companion, a large and wonderful posterity, the scriptures, our Prophet and my Savior, Jesus Christ. Then there are countless extended family and friends.
I wishing for you all to have a sweet Thanksgiving Day with family and friends. May you all have thankful hearts.
Here is a very endearing Thanksgiving story of an experience our Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson had as a youth. Perhaps share it with your family this Thanksgiving day.
"Occasionally, I ponder an experience from my boyhood. I grew up during the Depression. These were difficult times. My Father was a craftsman, a printer and he always had employment. Although others were not so fortunate.
I remember the boys whom I went to school. Many had clothing bought at rummage sales. The same size jacket was to fit four boys in one family. The father did not support the family. The mother worked nights as a telephone operator in Salt Lake City. The thing I remember most about this family was that when I would call upon the boys to go to school, they would be having breakfast - cornflakes with water. There was no milk, there was no cream, there was no sugar - only cornflakes and water.
One particular Thanksgiving Day there was, as usual, turkey dinner for our family, along with all the trimmings. As I waited for the feast to begin, I heard my name being called by one of my friends, Charlie. In those days we never knocked on the door; we would just stand outside in the back and yell. I heard Charlie call, "Tommy!" I went outside, and he said, "It sure smells good in there. What are you eating?"
I said, "We're eating turkey."
He said, "I've never eaten turkey. What does it taste like?"
I said, "Oh, something like chicken."
"I've never eaten chicken," he said. "What does that taste like?"
I told him to wait a minute, and I went in the house and got a piece of turkey for him to sample. He chewed it for a minute and then said, "Boy, that's good."
I said, "Charlie, what are you having for your Thanksgiving dinner?"
There was a silence, and then he said, "Nothing."
I remembered at that moment my mother, who always fed the transients who came through, riding the rails from east to west. When Mother would welcome them, she'd open the back door and have them sit at the table. Then she'd make them boiled ham sandwiches, give them potato chips and glasses of milk, and ask what they were doing riding the rails and why they didn't go home and settle down somewhere. She was quite a philosopher and had absolutely no fear whatsoever. I thought of her when my friend Charlie said he was not having Thanksgiving dinner.
At that moment I remembered I had something. I had no money, but I had two white rabbits. They were the pride of my life, beautiful New Zealand whites. I said, "Charlie, you come with me, because I've got something for your Thanksgiving dinner." We went into the backyard, and with tears in my eyes I opened the rabbit hutch, took a gunnysack, and put first one rabbit and then the other into the gunnysack. I said, "You take these home, and your mother will know what to do with them. They taste a whole lot like chicken."
Charlie was up on the fence and over the back yard to his home as quick as a flash. He later said they had the best Thanksgiving dinner they had ever had.
I loved the rabbits, but the feeling that came into my heart on that occasion, when I had given all that I had, when I had followed the counsel and the training of my mother, was superior to any love for those rabbits. I thought of the poet's expression: "The smile of God's approval is the greatest of all gifts."
("Consider The Blessings - True Accounts of God's Hand in Our Lives". - Thomas S. Monson. "The Best Thanksgiving Ever" Pg. 67.")
There is nothing sweeter than to have an opportunity to care for another person who is in need. Give the gift of your selfless service this Season and feel the true spirit of Thanksgiving. A favorite hymn is "Count Your Blessings" One of the lines is "Count Your Blessings Name Them One By One". Take the challenge to count your blessings on Thanksgiving day and then remember them always.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
"I Want To Be Baptized" - by Annalisa Hall & Corey Egbert - A Blog Tour~
I have always enjoyed reading children's books and looking for good stories for my grandchildren. I absolutely love this book: " I Want to be Baptized" by Annalisa Hall, illustrated by Corey Egbert. I would have loved to have had this book to explain the importance of baptism when I was preparing my own children. As a Grandmother, I intend to share this book with my Grandchildren.
Annalisa did a suburb job explaining the different reasons for being baptized, and becoming a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She used some fantastic analogies to explain this important ordinance in children's terms, using everyday life situations.
The following questions are answered in this book.
Why Do I Need To Be Baptized?
How does Baptism and the Holy Ghost work together?
How does Baptism wash away sin"
What promises are made at Baptism?
I loved Cory's illustrations. The book is colorful and engaging. The delightful artwork and story are perfect for explaining the importance of baptism in a child's life.
This book is a prequel to another book by Annalisa Hall entitled; "The Holy Ghost Is Like A Blanket". These books can assist you in teaching your children the importance and blessings that come from ordinances.
About The Author:
Annalisa hall is an author, blogger, LDSBC and BYU Graduate. She was born in Rochester, MI. She received a merit scholarship to the LDS Business College graduating with honors. She transferred to BYU in Provo and worked in the Harold B. Lee Library and graduated from BYU with a BA in English. She currently lives in Poway CA, with her husband and three children.
The Book has been published by Cedar Fort and can be found in LDS bookstores.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
The Simple Woman's Daybook Entry - A Moment of Celebration~
For Today
November 18th, 2014
Take a moment and visit other Simple Woman's Daybook entries; Enjoy!
Outside my window... It is a beautiful sunny November day with very cold temperatures~
I am thinking... that it is time to get my Christmas list together. I have some items to mail to Australia for my daughter and her family for Christmas. It is expense to mail packages so I will need to send them at snail pace.
I am thankful.... for a very kind and loving husband. Yesterday, we celebrated our first date. That date was 52 years ago and we went to the movie; "Longest Day" with John Wayne. It was a memorable date and I loved that he held my hand during the movie.
He took the afternoon off and we went to a movie to celebrate. What a good man he is.
A Picture of us as teenagers - We did talk on the phone a lot.
I am wearing... a green silk nightgown and a red bathrobe with black slippers; Christmas colors for today.
I am creating...this post.
I am going... to lunch with a dear friend. Her name is Christy Monson. She is the author of a new book entitled; "Family Talk". I did a book review on her book here. Check this one out; it would make a great gift for a birthday or Christmas. After lunch I am meeting my dear friend Toni for a few precious moments.
I am wondering...how to accomplish some of my goals. I can't seem to find enough time in a day to get done what I really need to do. I need to clean and organize my home before the holidays. I did get my pantry and some other kitchen areas organized and cleaned last week. I just feel so busy all the time. I really just want to go in by the fire and read a good book.
I am reading... the Doctrine and Covenants daily. Here are a few thoughts from the introduction to this powerful book. "The Doctrine and Covenants is a collection of divine revelations and inspired declarations given for the establishment and regulation of the kingdom of God on the earth in the last days. Although most of the sections are directed to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the messages, warnings, and exhortations are for the benefit of all mankind, and contain an invitation to all people everywhere to hear the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ, speaking to them for their temporal well-being and their every lasting salvation".
I am studying The Book of Mormon, also. I do love this book and have enjoyed doing a more in depth study of it.
I am trying to find the time to curl up and read my novel. I manage a few moments here and there. I am reading "Come To Zion - Fresh Courage Take" by Dean Hughes. I love this book and continually marvel at the stalwart pioneers that made such tremendous sacrifices for us to have the Gospel of Jesus Christ today.

I am hoping... to have a sweet day with dear friends.
I am learning.... how to make Green smoothies. Yesterday, I attended a demonstration on making Green drinks.
My husband was recently diagnosed with Diabetes. It is mild and we think it can be controlled by diet. I would like to get more fruits, vegetables and protein into our diet; so learning to make green drinks and fruit smoothies is a good goal. We are working hard to have better health.
My husband was recently diagnosed with Diabetes. It is mild and we think it can be controlled by diet. I would like to get more fruits, vegetables and protein into our diet; so learning to make green drinks and fruit smoothies is a good goal. We are working hard to have better health.
Around the house...I am working on a few home projects before the holidays. We will have family here for Thanksgiving; probably about 14 of us.
I need to get my list going for the food and decorations. I am excited to have them here.
In the kitchen... is nothing going on there today. I will be gone most of the day; so I it will be an easy dinner tonight.
I am pondering... alot on Christmas right now. There is always so much to do and I would like to have a stress free holiday. Is that possible? I really want to focus on the true meaning of Christmas. I love the Savior and love the story of his Birth. I really enjoy Christmas music and I found one radio station that is already playing it. I love to decorate our home and I would like to get that accomplish after Thanksgiving. I enjoy good Christmas stories and always try to read a Christmas novel each year. I want to simplify our Christmas celebration with year. I love having friends and family over; but I would like it to be less complicated and more of a small simple celebration with them all.
A few plans for this week: Time today with my sweet friends - Catch up day tomorrow and hopefully clean my home - Thursday, a sweet birthday celebration with my husband - Friday, another home cleaning day -
Saturday, our temple shift in the morning and perhaps an easy going day afterwards - I always love our Sabbath Day together~
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
My Grandpa, My Hero - "Somewhere In France"~ In Honor of Veterans' Day

Here are some thoughts written by my grandfather's aunt shortly after his death. It is written for all those out there that have given their lives for the cause of Freedom and also all that have served so valiantly for us. I have kept true to her original script.
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SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE By Pearl Ivie~ July 1st, 1918 To Those Who Give Their Life In Freedom's Cause Evening approached, the evening of life; Soldiers of ranks in the midst of the fight. In the midst of the shot and shell; Looked westward at evening glow, At the close of another day. Soldiers, these were, from all lands Who were fighting for justice and truth, Daily paying the price, the price of their blood on the surf. Not wasted, they gloriously fought Giving their life and their all For the sake of freedom and right. In the golden clouds of the west; In the luminous smoke o'er them cast, Came visions of Mother and Home; Of Mother, in glorious light, Smiling, saying, "Fight on My Boy, T'is you who will help win the fight; T'is you who will do all you can To bring us Democracy. So bring about the great plan; New life and new hope, to mankind". And the answer, a prayer in their hearts, A prayer, that God will protect; A blessing for Mother and Father Brothers and Sisters and loved ones. But a prayer, that is strongest of all - Perhaps their own little children Will live, sharing the glory, For which their life has been given. And the answer, a new field of action; A new field that tests their brave colors, That bids them night's darkness to enter And pay the price if it need be: Suppressing the world's greatest evils; Bringing union and peace to all people. And the dawn, the bright dawn of morning, As the light spread over the heavens; Disclosing the night's compensation; Disclosing the scenes of the battles Where the breath of life had been given. The spirit of life had departed, Returned again to the Maker, In sweet reunion with loved ones In time that has passed on before them; There in new life to continue; T'ill the morn of the sweet resurrection T'ill the time of the dawn of Millennium, Disclosing sons of the nations; Noblest and truest and foremost, That have died in the battles seclusion. Bravest deeds unknown and unspoken, Passed on with these heroes of action; Gone, life has gone with them Valiant, noble, heroic. Mortal life's but a passing existence Leading to life that's beyond we all go sooner or later Following each in our turn. Sons that have passed on before us, Giving for liberty's cause May we be as worthy in living In that for which you have died.
Monday, November 3, 2014
"Family Talk" by Christy Monson~
I am friends with Christy Monson and an avid reader of her books. She is a fantastic author who displays great wisdom in her writings. Family Talk is marvelous; fun to read and will be a must have book.
When raising my own family through the years, I read numerous child rearing and family oriented books. My family members may re-call the many changes I made in work charts, activity schedules, money management, etc. This book covers many of the subjects of child rearing and family life that I wish I would have had available during that time.
The book is based on establishing Family meetings or councils. These meetings can be formal or informal, but are nevertheless extremely important in organizing, working together, solving family concerns and having family fun.
Her introductory story was just so poignant. Her family cared for her 97 year old grandmother in their home. What they did to care for her, by working together, and creating treasured moments with her, was very touching. I think I cried all the way through those experiences. I related to this story because I too had my Mother in our home during her declining years and my children and grandchildren were blessed to have opportunities to serve her.
I loved the following thought expressed by Christy at the end of the Introduction:
"Our lives haven't been perfect. We've had our problems, but incidents like this one have infused our lives with positive energy, and we are all stronger for having worked together."
That is the premise of this book; to work together to strengthen your families.
Her stories are real and needed in our era of raising families today. As she shared the success of redefining troubled families through the method of Family Councils; I could see how relevant this book is. There are delightful stories of families who made significant progress in just everyday circumstances through these meetings. Her stories come from her own years of raising 6 children, friend's stories and those families she worked with on a professional basis.
Here are the Chapter Headings that she writes about.
How To establish a Family Council -
Teaching Your Children through Family Councils - In this section she goes into children issues and covers Name-calling, Bulling, Communication, Sibling Competition, Temper Tantrums, and your children's friends -
Parental Roles in Family Councils -
Nurturing Messages for your children -
Learning, Playing, and Growing Together as Part of Family Council -
Fostering Maturity -
As you can tell I loved this book. It would make an excellent Christmas gift for your children or grandchildren. I believe this book can make a significant difference in your family. I highly recommend "Family Talk" by Christy Monson
Here is a Praise for Family Talk as found in the book:
Praise for Family Talk
The Family Council Guidebook is a vital and necessary addition to every home. In this day and age when emails, chat rooms, and staring at computer screens are rapidly replacing real-time human interaction, what better corrective could there be than a guidebook to how to talk with one another in meaningful, productive and healing ways. Christy Monson knows what she is talking about. It is a great blessing that she is sharing it with all of us.
—Ben Bernstein, PhD, Author of Test Success! and A Teen's Guide to Success
Christy Monson is a friend and a marvelous individual. I have loved every book she has written. I have given many copies to family and friends. My children and grandchildren have enjoyed receiving and reading her books.
About the author: Christy Monson established a successful counseling practice in Las Vegas, Nevada, as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Her books, Love, Hugs, and Hope: When Scary Things Happened and Becoming Free: A
Woman's Guide To Internal Strength are published by Familius.
Links to buy Family Talk
Buy on Amazon
Buy at Familius
Buy the book on my website
When raising my own family through the years, I read numerous child rearing and family oriented books. My family members may re-call the many changes I made in work charts, activity schedules, money management, etc. This book covers many of the subjects of child rearing and family life that I wish I would have had available during that time.
The book is based on establishing Family meetings or councils. These meetings can be formal or informal, but are nevertheless extremely important in organizing, working together, solving family concerns and having family fun.
Her introductory story was just so poignant. Her family cared for her 97 year old grandmother in their home. What they did to care for her, by working together, and creating treasured moments with her, was very touching. I think I cried all the way through those experiences. I related to this story because I too had my Mother in our home during her declining years and my children and grandchildren were blessed to have opportunities to serve her.
I loved the following thought expressed by Christy at the end of the Introduction:
"Our lives haven't been perfect. We've had our problems, but incidents like this one have infused our lives with positive energy, and we are all stronger for having worked together."
That is the premise of this book; to work together to strengthen your families.
Her stories are real and needed in our era of raising families today. As she shared the success of redefining troubled families through the method of Family Councils; I could see how relevant this book is. There are delightful stories of families who made significant progress in just everyday circumstances through these meetings. Her stories come from her own years of raising 6 children, friend's stories and those families she worked with on a professional basis.
Here are the Chapter Headings that she writes about.
How To establish a Family Council -
Teaching Your Children through Family Councils - In this section she goes into children issues and covers Name-calling, Bulling, Communication, Sibling Competition, Temper Tantrums, and your children's friends -
Parental Roles in Family Councils -
Nurturing Messages for your children -
Learning, Playing, and Growing Together as Part of Family Council -
Fostering Maturity -
As you can tell I loved this book. It would make an excellent Christmas gift for your children or grandchildren. I believe this book can make a significant difference in your family. I highly recommend "Family Talk" by Christy Monson
Here is a Praise for Family Talk as found in the book:
Praise for Family Talk
The Family Council Guidebook is a vital and necessary addition to every home. In this day and age when emails, chat rooms, and staring at computer screens are rapidly replacing real-time human interaction, what better corrective could there be than a guidebook to how to talk with one another in meaningful, productive and healing ways. Christy Monson knows what she is talking about. It is a great blessing that she is sharing it with all of us.
—Ben Bernstein, PhD, Author of Test Success! and A Teen's Guide to Success
Christy Monson is a friend and a marvelous individual. I have loved every book she has written. I have given many copies to family and friends. My children and grandchildren have enjoyed receiving and reading her books.
About the author: Christy Monson established a successful counseling practice in Las Vegas, Nevada, as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Her books, Love, Hugs, and Hope: When Scary Things Happened and Becoming Free: A
Woman's Guide To Internal Strength are published by Familius.
Links to buy Family Talk
Buy on Amazon
Buy at Familius
Buy the book on my website
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