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Outside my window.....It is a very dreary day. Yesterday there was a hope for spring and now we are back in the rain with the temperatures in the low 40's. We are in drought conditions and need the snow and rain. I would say our prayers are being answered.
I am thinking...that it would be nice right this minute to take off to a movie or maybe a mini vacation; sounds wonderful. It's not going to happen; but I will put it on my wish list for sometime soon.
I am for the simple and wondrous daily moments when I feel that I am being watched over and blessed by a loving Heavenly Father. I am so grateful for prayer. I do have a true testimony of the power of prayer. I know I have discussed this before but I am grateful to know that I can pray anytime and anywhere. For the past several days I have been wearing holes in the knees of my pants as I have keeled and offered intense prayers in behalf of my husband, my brother and his family, my children, grandchildren and a dear friend. Each of my children are carrying heavy burdens of care. My dear brother has been in the hospital this week and his cancer has spread to his Spine. He is my only sibling left. My sweet husband has not passed his kidney stone yet; so he was back to the doctor today. A dear friend has had so many health issues since she was in a severe car accident 3 years ago. My heart has been saddened by all of these difficulties. My prayers have been more fervent and tears have wet my pillow.
After taking with my brother I felt great peace. He has a positive attitude and plans to live his life to the fullest. With his positive thoughts my spirit was lifted. I do believe that faith proceeds the miracle. Prayer does bring me peace. I know that my Savior is near and walks with me. I am grateful for this precious gift of prayer.
I am grateful for the temple. At the temple I receive comfort and peace. I have often received answers to prayers while in the temple. I have also felt close to those who have passed through this life. I have had some sweet spiritual experiences within the walls of the temple.
Here is a picture of the temple I serve in.
In the kitchen...I was going to cook something simple tonight. However, my dear husband had to run an errand so he said he would bring back some salmon sandwiches for dinner. Yeah!
After taking with my brother I felt great peace. He has a positive attitude and plans to live his life to the fullest. With his positive thoughts my spirit was lifted. I do believe that faith proceeds the miracle. Prayer does bring me peace. I know that my Savior is near and walks with me. I am grateful for this precious gift of prayer.
I am grateful for the temple. At the temple I receive comfort and peace. I have often received answers to prayers while in the temple. I have also felt close to those who have passed through this life. I have had some sweet spiritual experiences within the walls of the temple.
Here is a picture of the temple I serve in.
You can read more about temples here:
I am pants, teal silk blouse, black socks and shoes and a black sweater. Today we are back to sweater weather.
I am finish up this blog and do some journaling. I am a bit behind on my journal.
I am my dear grandson is doing in the MTC. He did email his parents on Monday; so they forwarded it to me. It was such a wonderful email telling his family how much he is enjoying being in the Missionary Training Center. He is learning so much and is so filled with the Spirit. He is excited to be learning how to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so proud of him.
I am reading.... The Book of Mormon as always. I am through with the writings of Nephi in The Book of Mormon: 2 Nephi: 7-26; which was about the prophecies of Isaiah. I learned so much more about the writings of Isaiah. The study manual I am using had me cross reference with the writings of Isaiah in the Bible. I have spent a lot of time in these chapters.
I am finish up this blog and do some journaling. I am a bit behind on my journal.
I am my dear grandson is doing in the MTC. He did email his parents on Monday; so they forwarded it to me. It was such a wonderful email telling his family how much he is enjoying being in the Missionary Training Center. He is learning so much and is so filled with the Spirit. He is excited to be learning how to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so proud of him.
I am reading.... The Book of Mormon as always. I am through with the writings of Nephi in The Book of Mormon: 2 Nephi: 7-26; which was about the prophecies of Isaiah. I learned so much more about the writings of Isaiah. The study manual I am using had me cross reference with the writings of Isaiah in the Bible. I have spent a lot of time in these chapters.
![]() ![]() The Visions of Isaiah~ |
I am continuing to enjoy; "The Triumph of Zion, Our Personal Quest For The New Jerusalem. I have learned so much about Zion and becoming a Zion person. It is true that in order to have a Zion society one must first be a Zion person. I am discovering many things about Zion that I did not understand or know before.
I just started reading this book and I am loving it. The challenge in the book is to do What a Holy Woman would do. The author asked several woman in different stages of life to act upon
what they think a holy woman would do in their day to day life experiences. Their stories were compelling.
I am hoping...that those I love can have life a little easier. I am hoping that prayers will be answered. I am hoping that I can accept the Lord's will in the lives of others and myself. I learn many lessons from my day to day life experiences. Usually, the hard times are just more blessings in disguise. I do know that the difficulties of life cause me to reach for our Savior more often and my prayers are more focused. I become more humble and teachable.
I am looking spring. I will be so happy to see the sun peek out from behind the clouds as it warms the earth.
I am learning....more about what is really important in my life. I want to know what is the most important thing to be doing with my time and energies.
Around the house..I am not doing all that much. I do need clean my house. In fact, I am planning on starting some spring cleaning soon.
I am pondering...upon going on a technology break. I need a blog and face book vacation. I plan to do this for a couple of weeks. I may peek into your days once in a while during this time. I love to read your posts. You need to know that you are true friends and I love you and enjoy following your thoughts and life experiences. I am not sure I will be able to go on this vacation for very long. There is a slight addiction with this. I will miss you all!
Around the house..I am not doing all that much. I do need clean my house. In fact, I am planning on starting some spring cleaning soon.
I am pondering...upon going on a technology break. I need a blog and face book vacation. I plan to do this for a couple of weeks. I may peek into your days once in a while during this time. I love to read your posts. You need to know that you are true friends and I love you and enjoy following your thoughts and life experiences. I am not sure I will be able to go on this vacation for very long. There is a slight addiction with this. I will miss you all!
One of my favorite visiting with dear friends either in person or on the phone.
A pet Peeve.....I am really tired of not being able to actually talk with people on the phone anymore, especially family and close friends. With face book and texting we don't communicate on a one on one basis. It makes me sad, I like to hear the sweet voices of those I love.
Something new about I love art. I wish I could draw or paint. We have several lovely paintings in our home. My favorite is a picture of the Savior entitled; "Walk With Me" by Greg Olsen.
I also have a lovely picture of the First Vision that my children gave us us a few years ago along with their written testimonies of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
First Vision by Leon Parson - If you want to know about the First Vision you can look here.
One of my guilty pleasures...I love to take naps and I need one right now. I don't take naps very often. Sometimes, on a Saturday afternoon after our temple shift, I fall a sleep for a while.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Do my temple schedule - catch up my journal - My son's family is coming tomorrow to stay overnight. They are flying to San Diego for fun in the sun - Saturday, the temple of course and then Sunday is just always sweet.
A Favorite Picture to share......
Enjoy The Moments! Blessings and hugs for all~
Hi LeAnn~
I was so sorry to hear about your brother, your family will be in my prayers. I hope that Roger will find some relief, I feel so sorry for those who struggle with kidney stones. You two really do need a vacation!!
Our weather isn't much better, I think Amber and James are the smart ones to go on a vacation! I hope they have a fun time, and find some warm weather! We will be watching the puppies, so I will be having lots of cuddling time. Hopefully I won't spoil them too much!
I love your testimony of prayer, you always inspire me!
Gentle Hugs and Love,
Such a lovely daybook. I am praying over all of your needs, love you.
Hi LeAnn! I always love to read your daybook entries, these little glimpses into your life. Those books look and sound really good. I love gospel oriented books actually. But I struggle to read them as I can't hold heavy books now and I need them on the kindle and they are not always available to me here in the UK. I hope Roger is able to pass his stone soon and back to feeling normal. Love and hugs! xxoo
Thank you so much for your prayers. I feel the support. I'm praying for your hubby and brother. I will miss you but I understand the need for a blogcation. I am feeling the same way. Thank you for the sweet phone call. It was great to hear your voice and feel the love. I'm sending you lots of hugs and best wishes.
I loved reading this. I know that prayers are listened to carefully and answered in the best possible eternal outcome. It does seem like more people need our prayers! And I too am looking forward to Spring...although that means gardens and I am already behind! Take care and keep smiling!!! Melody
Wonderful blog. I especially enjoyed that you have the same pet peeve I do about not communicating only via face book and texting. I think the art of real communication is being lost. I am sorry to hear about your brother and that your husband still hasn't passed his kidney stone. Life certainly is not easy, but I pray they may be blessed to endure all that they need to and also to have to have the necessary strength to continue on as best they can.
It is amazing how much time we can spend blogging and facebooking and checking out pinterest. I have been trying to limit my time and don't blog as much as I used to. Mostly because I don't have much to say and am trying to get some writing done for my personal history. I will miss seeing you on these sites, so don't stay away too long. I have been wanting to read Wendy Nelson's book. Maybe I'll get to it. Am trying to do a 90-day challenge of reading to draw nearer to Christ. I'm also looking forward to the lovely days of spring. Can't believe how many blossoms are out. Hope we don't have a freeze. Wow! This is way too long. Thanks for sharing. Nola
Your temple is just gorgeous LeAnn, such a powerful place!!
I am longing for spring as well, the wild flowers with the mountain view is simply stunning!!
You have definitely been a busy busy gal lately. I love this post that seems to just catch up on everything you have been up to.
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