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Be sure and drop by other Simple Day Book Entries here.
Enjoy reading and perhaps join the fun!
Outside my's a beautiful fall day. The sun is shinning and the sky is a clear blue. We have had great weather for the past few days. Temperatures have been in the high 50's and lower 60's. It is predicted to change later today. I think today will be the last of the beautiful warm fall weather.
I am thinking...Actually, I am trying hard not to think; mainly because I have an appointment for a repeat ultrasound of my breast today and blood work. I am working on having faith not fear. Faith cannot coexist with fear. It isn't easy to not have fear of the unknown
I am thankful...for so many blessings in my life. They really are countless. I have a loving kind husband that I love with all my heart and soul. I have wonderful children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. At this moment of time they are all healthy and strong. Most of them are active and involved in our faith.
Working in the temple each Saturday is such a huge blessing in my life. I am grateful to have been able to serve an Inner City Mission with my husband. We have learned great lessons of patience, love, kindness and forgiveness. We will return to our home ward this week and I look forward to being with many friends that I love dearly and have missed the close relationships.
Working in the temple each Saturday is such a huge blessing in my life. I am grateful to have been able to serve an Inner City Mission with my husband. We have learned great lessons of patience, love, kindness and forgiveness. We will return to our home ward this week and I look forward to being with many friends that I love dearly and have missed the close relationships.
I am grateful for our siblings. There are some health issues with our extended family. I am deeply grateful that my brother has made it through most of his cancer treatment. He has had chemo, radiation, and surgery. He is now going to have another round of chemo just to make sure they got it all. He is my only living brother. Both our parents and my older brother have passed on. I am so thankful to have him as my brother.
I am so grateful for my two Aunts. My sweet Aunt Della who just turned 100 years old recently isn't doing well. I am not prepared to lose her yet; she and my other Aunt have brought such wisdom and joy into my life.
In the Kitchen....nothing is cooking at this point. I wonder if it is a good night to go out for dinner.
I am wearing....a red sweater, black pants, black socks and shoes. I am totally ready for the day.
I am my test and then I hope to make a couple of visits to sisters in our mission area.
I am wondering....if I will get this post off today.
I am reading...The Book of Mormon as always. Right now I am in 2nd Nephi in the chapters on Isaiah's writings. I am reading this area slower because it is more difficult to understand. This is taking some prayer.
I am also reading a fantastic book entitled: "The Triumph of Zion - Our Personal Quest For The New Jerusalem" by John M. Pontius. I am learning more about the different meanings of the word, Zion. Along with a lot of thoughts on how to become a Zion person, a true Christ like person. This is a personal quest.
I am starting to read the Book entitled: " Everbound" by Brodi Ashton who is the daughter of one of my closest friends. This is her 2nd series book and another one will come out in January. I really enjoyed the last one so I am looking forward to reading it.
I am so grateful for my two Aunts. My sweet Aunt Della who just turned 100 years old recently isn't doing well. I am not prepared to lose her yet; she and my other Aunt have brought such wisdom and joy into my life.
In the Kitchen....nothing is cooking at this point. I wonder if it is a good night to go out for dinner.
I am wearing....a red sweater, black pants, black socks and shoes. I am totally ready for the day.
I am my test and then I hope to make a couple of visits to sisters in our mission area.
I am wondering....if I will get this post off today.
I am reading...The Book of Mormon as always. Right now I am in 2nd Nephi in the chapters on Isaiah's writings. I am reading this area slower because it is more difficult to understand. This is taking some prayer.
I am also reading a fantastic book entitled: "The Triumph of Zion - Our Personal Quest For The New Jerusalem" by John M. Pontius. I am learning more about the different meanings of the word, Zion. Along with a lot of thoughts on how to become a Zion person, a true Christ like person. This is a personal quest.
I am starting to read the Book entitled: " Everbound" by Brodi Ashton who is the daughter of one of my closest friends. This is her 2nd series book and another one will come out in January. I really enjoyed the last one so I am looking forward to reading it.
I am hoping...that this will be a week of good things to come.
I am looking forward to...having lunch with a dear friend tomorrow. Our birthday's are close and we have been friends for many years. I love all of my friends so much and they have brought so much happiness into my life.

I am sure we will share a chocolate dessert~
I am learning...old lessons over and over again.
Around the house...we found a leak in our bathroom so now we will probably have to get our toilet replaced. I dislike having things in the home wear out and then we have to replace them with money we could have used elsewhere.
I am pondering...on our Inner City Mission that will end on Thursday. I have enjoyed working with several individuals and families through the 2 1/2 years we have served. It has been a wonderful opportunity and I am grateful for this calling. It will be hard to leave. There is so much poverty. So many are unemployed and have great needs. So many have mental and physical illnesses that prevent them from working. Always there first request for help is for food and then rent and utilities come next. I would say that the majority of the people we serve have had some kind of abuse in their lives. Due to this fact there is a lot of mental illnesses; like Bi-polar, various addictions and etc. Many of them don't know how to budget what little money they have or how to get help so they can survive.
The mission goal is to help these individuals to become self-reliant. It's sad because most of them don't even have a clue where to begin; that is where we step in to help. The success rate of actually getting them into a better situation is not high. Most of them can't even understand what it is to have a middle class life. Their habits are hard to break. These are our dear brothers and sisters and we must be aware and help where we can to lighten their loads of care. They are found throughout our neighborhoods and areas.
Our church has four missions proclaiming the gospel, perfecting the saints, redeeming the dead, and caring for the poor and needy. Our greatest example of caring for the poor and needy is of course our Savior, Jesus Christ. Our Prophet today, Pres. Thomas S. Monson is well known for his many acts of kindness and care for those who are poor and needy both spiritually, temporally and physically. His counsel is to seek out the poor and the needy.
A favorite quote for today...
The mission goal is to help these individuals to become self-reliant. It's sad because most of them don't even have a clue where to begin; that is where we step in to help. The success rate of actually getting them into a better situation is not high. Most of them can't even understand what it is to have a middle class life. Their habits are hard to break. These are our dear brothers and sisters and we must be aware and help where we can to lighten their loads of care. They are found throughout our neighborhoods and areas.
Our church has four missions proclaiming the gospel, perfecting the saints, redeeming the dead, and caring for the poor and needy. Our greatest example of caring for the poor and needy is of course our Savior, Jesus Christ. Our Prophet today, Pres. Thomas S. Monson is well known for his many acts of kindness and care for those who are poor and needy both spiritually, temporally and physically. His counsel is to seek out the poor and the needy.
A favorite quote for today...
One of my favorite to cuddle up with my husband with a cup of hot chocolate of course and watch a good movie.
A Pet I dislike having to go through a phone menu when calling a business. It would be so nice to just talk to a real person.
A Pet I dislike having to go through a phone menu when calling a business. It would be so nice to just talk to a real person.
Something New About Me...I love hats although I don't wear them much. I wish they were more in style. When I was in High School we always wore a hat on Easter Sunday.
One of my guilty pleasures...I really love chocolate as you all know but one of my favorite candy bars is a Mound. I don't have them very often because they have so much fat and calories. I did have one today. It was a have to have chocolate day.
A Picture I wanted to share.....
PS My ultrasound is unchanged so another mammogram in 6 months. They think it is a cyst. This is a great blessing~
Totally unhealthy of course~
A few plans for the rest of the week: Lunch with my good friend tomorrow - On Friday going with my dear husband to a Doctor appointment for his impending surgery next week for a Trigger finger - Another beautiful day in the Temple on Saturday - Back to our home ward on Sunday or up to Heber for our Grandson's ordination to the Melchizedek Priesthood as an Elder. He also is ready to send his papers in for a mission and we are looking forward to that. A Picture I wanted to share.....
PS My ultrasound is unchanged so another mammogram in 6 months. They think it is a cyst. This is a great blessing~
Praise God that your ultrasound was ok. Praying for your brothers continued chemo. I LOVE YOU.
I always enjoy reading your daybook, LeAnn. I'm so happy to hear your ultrasound was fine!! Yay!! Take care and enjoy the rest of the week.
Lots of love to you. I wish you the best with your trials. Our prayers are with you. See you in a few weeks for lunch. Hugs, Christy
I pray your appt went well, I was called back once and it scared me so I understand how you are feeling. Keep your chin up until you get the results. Hope lunch with your friend helps to lessen the worry you are feeling. So sorry I haven't been by recently we have been so busy. Thank for your sending your note about what a children's blessing is for your faith I didn't know about that:)
So glad things went well with the ultrasound. I had to go back and they kept insisting that the lump was not a cyst. In fact, the appointment lady that made my appointment said, "at least you've have 5 good years." That did me in. Had myself dead and buried. Thankfully, it was a cyst and my oncologist was kind enough to speak with the ladies about being a little more careful in what they said to those on return trips. Now you can enjoy lunch with you dear friend and not being worrying in the back of your mind. It's fun to read your daybook. I really need to get back to doing that. Maybe in the New Year!
I enjoyed reading about your day. I am so glad your test went well. I laughed about the Mounds bar. I also have a chocolate craving! I think you have had a good mission. My mom used to work in Headstart, so I know a little about how some people struggle to make it. It is great that you have been a help to others. Thanks for this post. It is fun to get a little glimpse into your life. Take care! Melody
So, so happy that the ultrasound looks okay. What a relief!
Hope your hubby's surgery goes well.
And you have really served well on your mission. They will miss you.
i enjoy these also....a more personal view of you!!
it's always a good day to eat out and relax....and i am so happy things went well with the ultrasound. it's scarey stuff!!
have a wonderful sunday leann!!
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