FOR TODAY -February 23, 2013
Outside my has been snowing most of the day. Our yard is arrayed in beautiful white fluffy snow. I am thinking that a day like this requires us to enjoy this lovely sight as we sit by the fire sipping hot chocolate and reading a good book. I wonder if I can make that happen.
I am thinking...I hope that my husband will quit working soon. We had our wonderful temple shift this morning and then we came straight home so that he could get his reports for work sent out. He has been at the computer now for about 5 hours. I truthfully don't know how he keeps working. He has always been a faithful, loyal employee and gives his job the best that's in him. I feel deeply blessed that he can do this work at home. I can at least bring him little treats and quick kisses. He is such an awesome man.
I am thankful...for the tender mercies of this week. I sometimes become emotionally overwhelmed with daily blessings that come into my life. Sometimes, it is a friend calling me just when I have a need to talk with someone. Often a prayer will be answered while reading the scriptures. I am so grateful for the blessing of prayer and the ability to pray whenever or wherever I am. I have been trying to be more aware of my every day blessings. It truly touches my heart when recognition of a blessing comes.
In the kitchen...I have already made popcorn that I keep snacking on. I am about to prepare some delicious Hot Chocolate. It's dinner time and I think this night's
meal will be something simple.
I am wearing...comfortable Flannel PJ bottoms and a black top to match. I have on black socks and slippers. This is just the kind of fashion wear for a cold snowy day.
I am creating...this post and that is probably all I will create today.
I am take a few moments and practice my piano. I started trying to practice everyday and thus far I haven't missed very many days. For some reason I am enjoying doing this more than ever. Hopefully, I will keep it up. I would like to learn most of the Hymns. I am working on two other pieces; "How Great Thou Art" and "I Heard Him Come". These are two of my favorite pieces of music.
I am wondering...if my granddaughter is up and about yet. In December my Granddaughter moved in with us. She is 21 years old and keeps strange hours. We are enjoying having her here when we do see her.
I am reading...and studying The Book of Mormon on a daily basis. I am reading in the book of Helaman. I don't have much more to read in the Book of Mormon and then I will start it over again. I am amazed at what I learn each time I read this book of scripture. I am also reading the Doctrine and Covenants; which is the study book for the Sunday School lessons this year. I am enjoying the opportunity to read it again after 4 years. This time I am also studying the Doctrine and Covenants with the Institute manual.
meal will be something simple.
I am wearing...comfortable Flannel PJ bottoms and a black top to match. I have on black socks and slippers. This is just the kind of fashion wear for a cold snowy day.
I am creating...this post and that is probably all I will create today.
I am take a few moments and practice my piano. I started trying to practice everyday and thus far I haven't missed very many days. For some reason I am enjoying doing this more than ever. Hopefully, I will keep it up. I would like to learn most of the Hymns. I am working on two other pieces; "How Great Thou Art" and "I Heard Him Come". These are two of my favorite pieces of music.
I am wondering...if my granddaughter is up and about yet. In December my Granddaughter moved in with us. She is 21 years old and keeps strange hours. We are enjoying having her here when we do see her.
I am reading...and studying The Book of Mormon on a daily basis. I am reading in the book of Helaman. I don't have much more to read in the Book of Mormon and then I will start it over again. I am amazed at what I learn each time I read this book of scripture. I am also reading the Doctrine and Covenants; which is the study book for the Sunday School lessons this year. I am enjoying the opportunity to read it again after 4 years. This time I am also studying the Doctrine and Covenants with the Institute manual.
Of course, I always have other books I am reading. I am loving the book "21 Days Closer to Christ" by Emily Freeman and Simon Dewey. I read it about a year ago; but didn't follow the daily suggestions for drawing closer to the Savior. I am not reading it on a daily basis; but I am learning much more by being active in following the suggestions at the end of each chapter. The pictures by Simon Dewey in the book are breath taking.
One more book I am reading is "To The Rescue", the Autobiography of our present day Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson. I am so grateful for the testimony that I have that he is a modern day prophet for our world. If one would read this book they could know what I am saying is true. He is a disciple of our Savior Jesus Christ. The stories are so heartfelt and faith building.
I am hoping...for some warm days soon. I really want to bask in the Sun. I need some of those warm rays of sunshine coming through my windows. I don't get seasonal depression; but sometimes I don't function as well on cloudy days.
I am looking forward to...the Sabbath Day. I love Sundays. There is nothing better than to mingle with the saints and hear faith promoting messages and enlightening lessons. I always come home with my cup filled with Living Water. This Living water quenches my thirst for increased faith for the coming week. We also get a chance to be with some of the families that we are assigned to assist on our Inner City Mission. Lately, we have been very busy with a couple of families and we feel happy that some are attending church regularly. I feel such inner happiness when they are there for the meetings.
I am looking forward to...the Sabbath Day. I love Sundays. There is nothing better than to mingle with the saints and hear faith promoting messages and enlightening lessons. I always come home with my cup filled with Living Water. This Living water quenches my thirst for increased faith for the coming week. We also get a chance to be with some of the families that we are assigned to assist on our Inner City Mission. Lately, we have been very busy with a couple of families and we feel happy that some are attending church regularly. I feel such inner happiness when they are there for the meetings.
We are also traveling up to Heber to my son's ward for our 14 year old grandson to receive the office of teacher in the Aaronic Priesthood. We are so pleased with this choice young man and his accomplishments.
I am
learning...that it is going to take a lot of time to learn what I need to know for doing Family Research. When I prayed to find some names to do temple work on my husband's side as a gift for Christmas; I made a commitment in prayer to learn how to research more effectively. I can't even begin to tell you how sweet it was to be baptized and confirmed for one of his female great great great cousins and he was baptized for two male great great great cousins. The three cousins are brothers and a sister. We completed other work for them and soon we will have these three children sealed to their parents for eternity.
One of my guilty pleasures......I asked my husband what he thought one of my guilty pleasures would be and he said: "Chocolate" Yup, that's me. Here is my favorite guilty chocolate.
Around the house...I can hear my dog Sammy whining for my husband to play with him. It is so fun to see the two of them together. Every time that Sammy wants Roger to stop working he finds his toy and brings it to him and paws at his pants until he stops to play.
I am pondering....on how I might be able to help my granddaughter. I love her so much but I am struggling on how to help her have increased faith in her life. There are so many things I would like to tell her that have helped me through various hard moments of life; but I don't know if she is ready to listen.
A favorite quote for today..."Never suppress a generous thought - Bonnie D. Parkin
One of my favorite to read and then read some more. If I could, I would read all day. However at my age I am not retaining much of what I read; so reading more won't help that problem. I just need to focus more in order to retain more of what I read.
Something new about me.....I have actually lost 21 pounds in the last 3 months; plus I am exercising as often as I can. I feel great and have about 12 more pounds to lose. I have been on countless diets through the years and I finally figured it all out. I eat what I want but just less of it and exercise more.
A pet peeve.....I hate to leave my house without the dishes done and my bed made. I am actually a little nervous if this is not done. I certainly hope that I am not developing OCD.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Sabbath day activities - Family time- Mission visits -Temple moments and perhaps a date thrown into the mix.
A peek into my day...up at 3 a.m. to the temple by 3:45 a.m., Pre-prep meeting, Preparation meeting at 5:20 a.m., training with two sisters, home at 11:30 a.m., journaling, reading of posts, doing a post, a light dinner, early to bed, early to rise~
Be sure to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Sabbath day activities - Family time- Mission visits -Temple moments and perhaps a date thrown into the mix.
A peek into my day...up at 3 a.m. to the temple by 3:45 a.m., Pre-prep meeting, Preparation meeting at 5:20 a.m., training with two sisters, home at 11:30 a.m., journaling, reading of posts, doing a post, a light dinner, early to bed, early to rise~