Now as I ponder on these recent messages, I know I felt the the spirit in the spoken words and in the beautiful music. I know that each speaker prayed to know the subject they should address. I marvel at the varied yet reinforcing topics. I found the teachings so relevant to our times. I know that the messages are as scripture for today.The spirit testified of these truths .
Because in many ways, my beliefs define who I am; I decided to post some of what I believe to be true. Along with my musings; I will be highlighting a belief in my posts from
The Thirteen Article of Faith of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Here is the First Article of Faith.
1. We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.
I know that I have a Father In Heaven and that I am his Spirit daughter. I know beyond doubt that He hears and answers prayers. We have had countless miracles in our lives as answers to prayers.
I know that the spirit has testified to my soul that Joseph Smith In A Vision saw the God, the Father and the Son and that the Spirit of the Holy Ghost was present.I know that the Father and the Son are two separate personages and that the Holy Ghost is personage of spirit.
I know that Christ Is Our Savior . He was the only one that could completely do the will of the Father and endure the pains of all mankind though his gift of the Atonement. Everything we do and believe in our church points to the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Because of our Redeemer and his gift; we will all be resurrected; our body and spirit will be one again. We can have Eternal life and Exaltation where we will live with our Father in Heaven, our Savior, Jesus Christ and our Eternal Families.
Our Savior walks with us on our journey through life. He is there to mediate with and be the advocate for us to our Father. He is the way, the truth and the light in our lives. Through His grace we can be made clean and pure after all we can do.
To me the Gift of the Holy Ghost is one of our greatest earthly gifts. He testifies of our Heavenly Father, the Savior and of truth. He is our guide and He will comfort and warn us of dangers in our paths. I have felt his spirit and promptings many times through my life. I pray for my children to know and feel the Spirit of the Holy Ghost in their lives and that they will teach my grandchildren how to know and feel the Spirit. In the world of today we need the Spirit of The Holy Ghost in every aspect of our lives. It is crucial to learn to heed and obey "the still small voice".
I know the truth of these thoughts because I have felt the spirit testify to me that they are true. I know that the greatest training ground is right here. We are here to show and prove to our Heavenly Father that we will follow our Redeemer, Jesus Christ and our Living Prophet of today.
I am grateful for my testimony of this First Article of Faith.
Check out a post on Mormon Women - "Thoughts on The Relief Society Declaration" ~
You always bear such a beautiful testimony, and this was no exception.
Thank you.
Hi LeAnn!
You have such a sweet testimony of the Gospel! I can remember feeling the same way when my kids were growing up. I sometimes feel that way now, and they are all grown . . . still learning!
Hugs and Love,
ANOTHER beautiful post Leanne!! I always love your words. We really enjoyed this past conference as we do all the conference's really. It is always a special feeling to know that as we watch we are sharing these special thoughts and words from our leaders with like minded brothers and sisters throughout the world! We truly are blessed.xxoo
Thanks LeAnn! You always brighten my day. And you are so sweet to comment on my blog.
Hi LeAnn,
wonderful words of wisdom you are sharing. I often feel I am not juggling all the balls in the air and need to remind myself to relax and just listen to what my family and God says:)
What a beautiful post and testimony. Your words always uplift me. Thank you. I so love general conference. We set it to record while we were on our cruise but something went wrong and we missed it. I am so sad. I guess we can buy it when we visit Deseret Book. We are planning a trip to Utah in a couple of weeks. It will be my first time back since the accident. We want to go when our temple closes for cleaning. Are you in the SLC area? Could we meet for a short visit? I would so love to meet you and give you real hugs instead of cyber hugs.
I am exited that I am doing well enough to travel that far in a car now. The 6 weeks I was there last I was never stable enough to leave the hospital to see the 2 new homes that my Erin and David had bought. Hopefully this next trip to Utah will turn out far better than the last one did!!!
Thank you for your kind words on my blog. You always touch my heart. I pray for you and your mission. I hope that you have a great week. Hugs, Lura
Thank you for your wonderful message. I can relate to the feelings you used to have as a mom. I also want to do it all sometimes, then I get overwhelmed and give up. But I think I'll follow in your footsteps and just work on a few things at a time.
Hope you know how much I appreciate you!
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