Friday, June 3, 2011

Where Did The Time Go??

Wanna just write? Without wondering if it’s just right?
Indulge in five rich, delicious minutes of pure writing.
Tell your readers you’re linking up hereThe Gypsy Mama and invite them to dig in too.
And most importantly, go visit, read, and compliment the five minute chef who served something up right before you.

I hit the floor hard this morning as I jumped out of bed ready to take on the day. I have been praying to be better organized and able to get my priorities in order. Well as usual that didn't happen. I had on my list to do our budget which is 3 days late, pay bills hopefully on time,  organize myself in my new calling as a Inner City Missionary, make several calls for the mission, set a time for surgery on my ankle as soon as possible, do my normal emails, blogging, and face book. I made a quick decision to do my priority list first; which was to do the budget, pay the bills, and organize myself. Now it is 4 pm and I haven't even started on my other items. I also had great hopes of finishing my monthly journaling. Some of the priority time was filled up quickly by talking on the phone with my 90 year old, Aunt Alene. I had conversations with two friends from the ward and one high school friend that I talk with occasionally. Maybe this is where the priorities fell apart. However, I do think that people come before anything else and that is true especially for family and friends.
I am finding that blogging takes a fair amount of time and that I need to control my time there; but again I now have blogging friends that I want to read their blogs and share my thoughts with them also. I just don't know where the time goes.
The worst is that I really thought I was going to complete everything on my schedule and still have time for cleaning the upstairs. The dust is thick, the laundry unfolded, and I need to vacuum. This isn't going to get done. I think I will be lucky if I actually get a dinner on the table. We then need to go out to Bountiful to see my 97 year old Aunt. I was out there yesterday for a visit and she wanted my husband to come and give her a blessing. She isn't a member of the church; but she does believe in Priesthood blessings. I do think that is one priority that we need to do for sure. If any of you in the blogging world have a way that you handle the timing of blogging; let me know. Help!!!


Barb said...


Oh boy, I know what you mean by not having enough time! I caught whatever has been going around, and it has zapped my energy - although not enough to sit at the computer... :0)

I agree that we need to put people first on our priority list. When someone needs a listening ear or a shoulder, I hope that someone can be me. You are so good to visit your aunts, you will be blessed greatly for your compassion!

Think I'll try the 5 minute Friday, it sounds fun!

Hugs and Love,

Anonymous said...

I so agree with this. The dratted google is having problems with the comments again and I lost the really nice one that I left you! I love five minute fridays. I have learned in my own life, that I have to set a timer and honor it otherwise, I can get lost for hours on the web. Crazy I know, but sometimes a girl has got to get some sleep!! (This is Patty ann!)

Cara Sexton said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who seems to think I'll just get so much more done than I actually do. Keep on, dear friend! (PS - Found you at Five Minute Friday).

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi LeAnn, I know I sure have trouble getting to all the things on my list. Maybe I'm not trying hard enough, but in reality I know that I'm a lot slower than I used to be. Plus I let myself get sidetracked too easily. :D

I really don't know where the time goes. My hubby and I were sitting outside just before dark and the heat and humidity of the evening made us think of last year when we were watching the fireworks and it sure doesn't seem like it should be here again just next month!

Thanks for taking the time to drop by my blog and leave a sweet comment. I do appreciate it so much. Have a great weekend!

Susan Anderson said...

Sometimes the day slips by so quickly I never quite know what happened.

Same goes with blogging...


Marie Rayner said...

Whew!! I don't know how I managed to get all the things done that I wanted to when I was working full time, because I sure nuff don't get them done now that I am not! I think time is speeding up, and I am slowing down! Love and hugs to you sweet friend! xxoo

singing/granny said...

Leann I laughed reading your blog this morning because I felt like I was reading about my own life. I think you have your priorities in place! In ten years you won't be sad the housework fell by the wayside. Think of Martha and Mary. You are doing the Lord's work when you are ministering to His children! And I think you do so well with that in your blogs. So in real life I imagine you are even more effective. But the days are definitely too short. I hope the ankle surgery goes easily! Take care! Melody

Anonymous said...

Well LeAnn, I can't help you when it comes to blogging and time-management. I'm delighted to find so many other women who've commented on your post though, who do the exact same thing I do!

I've had the same thoughts as Marie, in her above comment - how did I manage to get all the things done that I wanted to when I was working full time, because I'm not now and I haven't worked outside the home for four years!

It sounds like your priorities aren't too bad though: God first, husband and family second, church family (Inner City Missions) third, others fourth, self last... and who cares about housework, LOL?

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Oh, your post also reminded me of myself! My time management skills are lacking. Determining what is good, better, and best is sometimes tricky. I love that you put people first.

I've had to cut out some things since I started blogging. My book club may kick me out. No new advice--usually prayer is always my answer, but I'm guessing you're already doing that. :)

Good luck with your week!