Sunday, March 14, 2010


"Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities. " - The Family: A Proclamation to the World.

I remember an address given during the Chapel meeting last year before our Stake Temple Session. During the chapel meeting our Stake President talked about our homes being an extension of the temple. I pondered on this thought and my desire through the years to have that kind of home. Our homes should indeed be a extension of the temple A favorite memory jumped into view of an experience I had many years ago in the Oakland Temple.
First, how many of you sisters out there dislike Mother's day because you go on guilt trips that you have not been the perfect mother that you thought you should be. Can you relate to a moment in time when you were impatient with the children. Perhaps, they weren't listening to you, they did not obey a request, got into something and made a mess. The list is endless and frequent at least in my memory. You have a moment where you didn't like how you acted; you actually raised your voice in the middle of the chaos and this probably happened more often than not. You had always pictured that you would enjoy every moment of motherhood and that your home would be peaceful. I know, I know; I was living in a dream world at that time.
This is the memory; "a moment at the temple." Our home was often full of chaos and didn't reflect in any way the peace found in the temple. I longed for that peace. Roger and I at this time had 5 children and the youngest was just an infant. A couple in our ward had invited us to their temple sealing at the Oakland Temple. When we arrived we had our baby with us and she needed to be fed. I went into the temple and was instructed that I could go into the nursery and when it was time for the sealing the sisters would watch the baby for me while I attended. As I peacefully nursed our baby; I observed the sisters go to and fro helping and caring tenderly for the children that were in the nursery. There was a wide range of ages. Many different activities were going on. One sister was helping an older youth choose clothing to wear at a sealing. Another sister was helping prevent a fight between two young siblings. Other children were being read too.  A couple of children were playing quietly. One of the younger children was crying and a sweet worker was trying to calm the child down. All of a sudden, I just felt at home; my home was  at least an extension of the temple nursery. I felt a warm wave of peace sweep over me when I realized that yes I was not a perfect mother; but I loved my children and wanted to serve them in patience and love. I wanted my home to be an extension of the temple and perhaps it could be at least be like the temple nursery. These thoughts brought solace to my soul and helped me feel better about my own mothering.


Barb said...

Thank you so much for that story LeAnn. I know that my mothering skills were tested on a daily basis, and sometimes still are! I love the feeling I get at the temple - and I just know that that's how heaven will feel, don't you? I have always been told that we need to bring a little bit of the temple home with us, each time we go - the peaceful, quiet part that helps us remember who we are. Thank you for this beautiful post.

Love you,


Anonymous said...

Sis. Williams,
I just loved this post! Thank you so much, it was just what I needed to hear today. I hope you don't mind, but Chrissy gave me your address, she knows how much I admire your family. We have a private sign-in blog, but I'd be happy to send you an invite as well. Just email me :) Thanks again for such a wonderful post!
Heather Beauchamp

Jocelyn Christensen said...

This is so awesome! I appreciate the spirit that teaches us Mothers what we need to learn and know moment to moment...

Michaela Stephens said...

"All of a sudden, I just felt at home; my home was at least an extension of the temple nursery."

Fabulous. Great insight.