My Eternal companion and now full time missionary companion and I have had an exceptional month of missionary activities and family fun moments~
We are missing Elder Dutton and Elder Robinson who were transferred out of our area. We recently had a Mission Tour and were able to see them there. Meanwhile, we now have two awesome Sister missionaries in our area. They are Sister Pinkham and Sister Turner. We have been having a great time getting to know them and working with them. Lower right hand photo is of our district. We are missing a few individuals. We really enjoy working and team teaching with the younger missionaries. We learn so much from them.
Here is our sweet little Great Grandson, Sagan. He is just starting to learn how to play soccer. Here he is on his birthday. He started out in a blue shirt and then got his team shirt and had to put it on. He was so cute and I think he will be a talented soccer player.
Our dear daughter Christina came from Australia for a 3 week visit. Due to being missionaries we couldn't spend as much time with her as we would have liked too. we did take her to Ashton Gardens at Thanksgiving Point. We had a great day. There is a fabulous new display of Sculptures of our Savior's life. You can take a tour of the this display here. This area is entitled; "Light of The world Garden." Here are some of the many pictures we took of this beautiful park of garden exhibits.

Our daughter took two trips while she was here. She went up to Spokane, Washington to see her youngest sister, Tiffani and then she went to Prescott, Arizona to see her younger sister, Jenni. She really enjoyed being with them both. Here they are: Tiffani, Christina and Jenni.
We also went to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints General Woman's conference with my Daughter in law, Mary and my Granddaughter in law, Dana.
Later on my son Sean and Mary with their son Jeffery came over to have some time with Christina. I forgot and didn't take any photos of this activity.
Next we asked for special permission to take our daughter up to Idaho to see her two older brothers Travis and James' families. We did this over the LDS General Conference weekend.
We stayed in one of our favorite motels. It is across the street from the river that is in front of the Idaho Falls Temple. It is so beautiful there. I enjoyed taking our dog Sammy for a walk the first morning there. He loved the ducks and other critters. The day was so lovely and relaxing.
We spent Saturday watching the two conference sessions and enjoying a great dinner with our son Travis, Amanda and their children. Our youngest granddaughter, Haven loved painting her mother's finger nails and then she did her Dad's toenails; he then modeled them for us. Amazing!
While the men and older boys went to the LDS General Priesthood Conference; the girls and I went shopping at Deseret Book and then a Boutique. Here we are taking a selfie from a mirror. We had so much fun looking at clothes, jewelry, shoes and etc. It was a girls night out moment.
The middle photo is my daughter, Christina, daughter in law, Amanda, myself and my adorable granddaughter, Justice.
The next day we went to watch the Sunday sessions of conference with our son James, Amber and two of their children, Christian and Averi. Our adorable granddaughter, Taylor Jo was on a trip with a friend. We had a great dinner and lots of fun conversation and laughing. It is such a joy to be with them all.
This was truly a precious weekend with family and we enjoyed this opportunity to be with them. I was extra happy that Christina was able to see all of her siblings on this trip.

This is the sports section of my blog. Some fun moments with our grandsons ~
The Left picture is of Austin, Christian and then Ethan, Austin's brother. The middle photo is of the two boys with us. The Right picture is of our grandson, Joseph. We did get to see him play earlier in September. He plays for Wasatch High School in Heber City, Utah.
My Eternal Companion - Elder Williams~
Beautiful adventures...lovely family
Wonderful blog to read on Sunday. Uplifting and spiritual. Love reading about you and your family. You have a special family.
Oh, why have I not heard of or if I did, I don't remember, "The Light of the World Garden". I would have taken the time to go see it when I was in Utah. It is basically 5 minutes from where I used to live and was visiting. Definitely another time!
Take care, my blogging friend. I hope we get the opportunity to meet some day!
I loved seeing all of your photos LeAnn. You truly have a beautiful family. Loved reading about all of your missionary happenings also. You are a lot busier than we are. We have mostly been fellowshipping a recently reactivated family and visiting less actives and the sick, but it is always a wonderful experience. We have been blessed this past weekend to have been taught by President Russell M Nelson on two separate occasions and to meet both him and his lovely wife, along with Bishop Causee and his wife and a few other general authories. it was a very spiritual and uplifting meeting on Saturday with over 250 EMM missionaries. These stellar young people are the future of the church and give me great hope. Like you, I know this church is true. I wish everyone did. Love and hugs and many blessings to you and your wonderful companion! Prayers also that you can continue to do all that you do. Love You! xoxo
You create such wonderful posts. I do love to see them. This is such a wonderful family history for your children and grandchildren. You are such an inspiration to the rest of us. May Heavenly Father's blessings be abundant in your life.
Beautiful Leann, I have learned much from you!! You do an amazing job putting these mosaics together and the family images are wonderful. And the picture of roger and yourself is very special!!
Hi Leann, thanks for your sweet comment at my blog. I always enjoy visiting with you and seeing the photos of your beautiful family! The little one, Sagan, is such a doll and I love his name. The photo of you and Roger is wonderful and should be in a frame!
Take care and have a nice week! xo Cheryl
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