I am grateful that I have a Heavenly Father that loves me and answers my prayers. I know that all of us knew our Heavenly Father in the Pre-Earth life. We are his Spirit Children. When we see Him again someday, we will be surprised at how well we know Him. I know that He lives.

My dearest father now resides in the Spirit World. I know that he is near me. At times I have even felt him close. I miss him more than I can express. He was a very loving and good man. He was fun to be around, and he loved to dance with me. He was always singing fun songs when we were traveling. Oh, how I love him and miss him every day.
My dear father in law is also not with us. He was such a faithful, stalwart, and wonderful man in the gospel and as a father. He was always kind and loving towards us, and he loved the grandchildren so much. He was an excellent example of a man of wisdom, and I genuinely miss him too.

My husband is such a marvelous man, and he has been an outstanding father to our children. He loves them all, and I know they love him. He is always there in times of need and has taught his sons and daughters to love the gospel of Jesus Christ. He has been a worthy priesthood holder in our family and has blessed his sons, daughters, and now grandchildren, countless times through the years. He has always been a caring husband and has shown his children through example, how to tenderly care for their spouses by the loving way he treats me.
He has always been a great provider giving our children many opportunities in life. He has and does bless our family with his wisdom and love.
He has always been a great provider giving our children many opportunities in life. He has and does bless our family with his wisdom and love.

Happy Father's Day to our Sons and Grandsons. I am proud of the wonderful fathers that they are to our posterity. Thank you for all the good you do within your homes. You are loved very much by me.
I believe in divine Fatherhood and know that through our Heavenly Parents, we have the spiritual genes of being great Fathers and Mothers. May all you wonderful fathers out there know that you are appreciated for all that good that you do within your families. Have a blessed day of feeling loved!