Friday, February 14, 2020

It Is Celebration Time!

Since it is Valentine's Day, I will write a little bit about love. There are many things in this beautiful world that I love. I like this day of celebration because love is in the air. Because of love, the month of February is a favorite.  I genuinely have a love for many; the list is long. I love with all my heart, my husband,  our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, extended family, treasured friends through the years, and of course, my Sammy. You got to love those fur babies. 
 I love my Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ, and I know our Heavenly Parents love each of us with an infinite love because we are their children. Our Savior is our elder brother who cares for us because He gave His life for us so we might live again, and if we follow Him, we can return to them. 
I thought I would share today some extra verses to a beloved hymn entitled: "Love One Another." My dearest husband wrote these two verses years ago. They have been sung in different states that we have lived and places throughout the world as our children have served missions and lived in various areas. This is taken from scripture, where the Savior asked us all to love one another as He loves us. 

Love One Another
            As I have loved you, love one another
This new commandment love one another
By this shall men know, ye are my disciples
If ye have love one to another.

Ye have my gospel, share with a brother
Ye are my Shepherds, feed on another.
Care for the stranger, love as the Messiah,
Then ye shall know joy of the Father.

Someday you'll see me if you endeavor
Then you will know me; we'll walk together.
If you obey me, here then is my promise;

I'll come to you, you're mine forever.

It's a celebration time. I am celebrating 10 years of blogging. I'm celebrating that I am back writing a blog post again. I love to write, make graphics, and read blogger's posts. I enjoy blogging about Home, Family, Activities and my Beliefs. 
 As you may have noted, I haven't been writing much, and I haven't been reading  favorite friend's posts. I feel sad about that. I have been busy with many things and just have let some of my favorite things go by the wayside. Blogging has been one of them. I'm hoping to get back to writing again.  
May you all know that I hope you feel loved by one or many tomorrow and always. I know when one feels loved, it has a powerful effect on our lives.
Love and hugs for all!