March was a very busy month for us. Our Grandson, Elder Jackson Williams came home from his mission on March 25th. He just completed a two year mission in Omaha, Nebraska. It was so fun to see him again. He has grown so much spiritually and socially. It felt so good to hug this boy of mine.
Here are some pictures from the airport - Upper Left Jackson coming down the escalator; Upper Middle, Jackson and his two brothers, Joshua and Jeff; Upper Right, Jackson and his niece, Jadyn.
Middle Left, Jackson and Grandma; Middle Center, Dana,Jackson, his brother Jacob and Nephew Sagan; Jacob, Jackson's Mom, Mary, Jackson and Dana, his sister in law. Lower left, Joshua, Jeff, Jacob and Mary; Lower Center; back row, Jacob, Mary, Jackson, his Dad, Sean, and Dana; Front Row, Jeffery, Joshua and Jadyn and Sagan. Lower Right, Grandpa, Jackson and Grandma
On Easter Sunday, Jackson gave a marvelous message on the Atonement in his home ward Sacrament Meeting. This is often referred to as a homecoming report. Afterwards, there was luncheon and Easter Egg hunt for the kids.
Left Photo Back Row, Elder Williams, Sister Williams, Jed, Jessica with Myah, Joseph, Sean, Mary, Jackson, Dana and Sagan, Jacob, Jonathan, Gillian. Front Row, Lilly, Jadyn, Joshua and Jeffery.
This is a family photo of our Son Sean and Daughter in law Mary and their family with us. Here's another photo of Jackson with us.
My husband and I have been enjoying our missionary work. Here are some photos of the meetings that we attend with the younger Sisters, Elders and MLS couples.We have a Zone meeting once a month. We meet once a week for District Meetings.We have a weekly planning meeting with the Elders that we serve with. Quarterly, we have MLS Couple meeting for our entire mission. There are other firesides, and mission conferences as scheduled. We enjoy very much attending these various meetings. We learn so much and there is always a sweet spirit there that lifts our souls. 

Here is photo of our Zone meeting.
Here is a photo of one of our weekly Planning meetings with the Elders we serve with.
Our week usually is packed with studying and visits. On Mondays we typically have what we call a Preparation day. This is a day to catch up with our housework, errands, and couple planning. We can also plan a fun activity on this day.
The rest of the week we make visits to various families and or individuals that we are seeing to help strengthen them in their testimonies through messages that we give. We also do team teaching with the Elders to those who are non members of our faith and are receiving missionary lessons. We are having wonderful spiritual experiences in the meetings that we have. We know that Heavenly Father is hastening His work of Salvation. We have many small miracles on almost a daily basis. Our testimonies of this work has been strengthened so much. We know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true. We have powerful testimonies of The Book of Mormon. We know that the church has been restored in these latter days by the Prophet Joseph Smith. We know that we have a Living Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson that leads and guides our Church. There are two wonderful men that are his counselors; President Henry B. Eyring. and President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. He is a living Prophet to the World. There are 12 Apostles who serve with him. These men go throughout the world lifting and caring for the members of the church and reaching out to those of other faiths. They are special witnesses of Jesus Christ. There are many other men who are called to serve in the Quorum of Seventy who also serve throughout the world.
All of the younger missionaries that serve are suppose to give several hours of service each week to those with needs. We also look for opportunities to do various types of service.
Our Church is very much involved in caring for the poor and needy. This is one of the most important things that our church does throughout the world. Whenever there is a disaster and or a need for humanitarian service our Church is there.
With the recent Earthquakes the missionaries serving in those areas will be helping with the clean-up and other services as needed. Our Church will immediately respond and send help in the form of food, supplies and etc. Also, many members volunteer to go to these areas to help with whatever they are qualified to do.
I will be posting next week on a large service project for Refugees and other organizations that our Stake Relief Society just completed on Saturday
Recently, my dear husband was diagnosed with a 20 in. Blood Clot in his leg. He is back on the medication that he was on last year for the blood clots he had in his lung. You can read that experience here. His recovery then was a miracle and we have had a miracle again.
He rested for a few days and then we are back to work. He had a Priesthood Blessing and again his recovery has been miraculous. We know that our prayers have been answered and we are graterful for all of the prayers offered in his behalf.
Due to all that has been going on I have not had the time to do blogging. I am missing all of you. I plan to get caught up with the reading of your blog posts within the next few days. You are dear friends and I do want to know how you are doing. If you are on Facebook you can find me on my Living Water's Facebook page. I try to do short updates each night.
I am sending out lots of love and hug to you all!